The extraction of genomic DNA from plant leaves is a very challenging and tedious technique. The variability in the cell wall structure and the level of secondary metabolites in the plant cells interfere with the DNA extraction. The DNA extraction protocol standardized for one plant species may ...
ARapidandSimpleMethodforDNAExtractionfromPlantLeaves ChiJing 1,2 GengLili 2 GaoJiguo 1 ShuChanglong 2 ZhangJie 1,2 (1.CollegeofLifeScience,NortheastAgriculturalUniversity,Harbin150030;2.StateKeyLaboratoryforBiologyofPlantDiseasesand InsectPests,InstituteofPlantProtection,ChineseAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Beiji...
This chapter describes a DNA extraction method that can be used both on freeze-dried leaves and on fresh leaves, and is based on the method of Saghai-Maroof (1), modified by David Hoisington and Jack Gardiner at the University of Missouri at Columbia (personal communication). The scale of...
Researchers have developed a new technique that uses microneedle patches to collect DNA from plant tissues in one minute, rather than the hours needed for conventional techniques. DNA extraction is the first step in identifying plant diseases, and the new method holds promise for the development of...
Extraction of DNA is very important aspect in the plant molecular biological investigations. In this study, a large number of samples such as fresh leaves obtained from different plant species Oryza sativa, Elusine korakkana, Zea mays, Azadirachta indica, Musa sapianatum, Sesbania grandiflora were ...
摘要: This chapter describes a DNA extraction method that can be used both on freeze-dried leaves and on fresh leaves, and is based on the method of Saghai-Maroof (1), modified by David Hoisington and JackDOI: 10.1385/0-89603-254-X:9 被引量: 225 ...
DNA EXTRACTIONProtocol and notes11/6/20181IntroductionThis highlights a simple protocol for extracting DNA from cereal plant leavesThis protocol will produce a product that is suitable as a template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction enzyme digestionIt will also contain RNA which can...
问:如何去除提取的DNA中有RNA污染?答:可按说明书中的方法加入RNase A来消化去除RNA。问:提取的基因组DNA片断长度是多少?答:提取的基因组DNA片段长度一般为30~50KB。核酸的检测分析及图例见英文说明书 Biospin Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Biospin植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒 Cat# BSC13S1 ...
关键词:花生;基因组DNA;提取方法;幼叶 中图分类号:S565.201 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2014)07-0011-04 OptimizationofRapidDNAExtractionMethodsfromPeanutLeaves WangLei 1 ,ZhaoXintao 1 ,XuMengqi 2 ,SuFeng 1 ,RenYan 2 , LiShuangling 2 ,ShiYanmao 2 ,YuanMei 2倡 ,WangChuantang 2 (1.Chemic...
Cost-effective and reliable genomic DNA extraction from plant seedlings for high-throughput genotyping in seed industries .Genomic DNA was suitable for high-end downstream application, especially HRM.Current method found superior over commonly used genomic DNA isolation methods... SS Wanere,AP Phad,RK...