[结果]改良CTAB法提取的DNA 浓度和纯度较高,可作为模板用于后续分子标记的研究。 关键词白术;CTAB;SDS 中图分类号S567文献标识码A 文章编号0517—661l(2013)07—02860—02 DNA CTABandSDSMethod ExtractingAtrac0,lodesmacroephalabyUsing HUANGet ofPharmaceuticalPlantand of Medical Guiyang University,Guiyang, ...
关键词:大叶栎;DNA提取;ISSR;改良CTAB法中图分类号:S722.3文献标识码:AComparisonoftwoto alDNAex rac ion hodsforCastanopsisfissaLIANGWen-hui,LIANGJi,HUANGShou-xian,XIESu-ping,ZOUChuan-ming(ForestryCollegeofGuangxiUniversity,Nanning530005,Guangxi)Abs rac :TwototalDNAextractionmethodsofCastanoPsisfissawere...
CTAB-Silica method for DNA Extraction and Purification from Castanea mollissima and G inkgo biloba[J]. Forestry Studies in China,2003,5(3):10-16.Shen Yongbao,Shi Jisen.CTAB-Silica method for DNA Extraction and Purification from Castanea mollissima and Ginkgo biloba. Forestry Studies in China ....
Five methods, including CTAB method and four commercial DNA extraction kits were employed and compared on the extraction of DNA from 11 processed fish samples, such as boiled, oil immersed, fumed, roasted, dried and salt-dried fish etc. The quality and quantity of the extracted DNA were ...
High quality genomic DNA ca n be isolated from Actinidia plant using th e improved method. The DNA is good e noug h for Southernblot and other u sesin DNA research. The protocol is also efficient for qu ick and macro DN A extraction.Key words:Actinidia ; genomic DNA; isolation; ...
改良ctab法提取菠萝dna method of modified ctab for dna extraction from pineapple,改良ctab法提取菠萝dna method of modified ctab for dna extraction from pineapple,改良ctab法提取菠萝dna,method,of,modified,ctab,for,dna,extraction,from,pineapple 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ ...
A modified CTAB DNA extraction procedure for plants belonging to the family proteaceae 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 77 作者:TL Maguire,GG Collins,M Sedgley 摘要: This paper describes rapid and efficient DNA extraction methods for mature leaves, resting buds and seedling leaves of ...
关键词:DNA提取;改良CTAB法;肉类 An Optimized CTAB Method for Total RNA Extraction from Meat ZHOU Tong,LI Jia—peng,TIAN Han-you,YANG Jun—na,QIAO Xiao—ling (China Meat Research Center,BeUing 100068,China) Abstract:An opt imized CTAB method for total RNA extraction was presented for use in...
CTAB DNA Extraction Protocol This protocol was used in the Kalisz Lab for the Outcrossing Rates/Microsat project from 2006 on. Adapted for the Kalisz lab from Soltis lab protocol and Doyle & Doyle, 1987. Before Beginning: Turn on the waterbath. Double check that it is set to 55C and the...
1、CTAB法小量制备植物基因组DNA【原理】 CTAB分离DNA的方法最初用于细菌,后来经修改用于从植物中获取DNA。CTAB(即十六烷基三乙基溴化铵)是一种阳离子去污剂。CTAB可与核酸形成复合物,该复合物仅溶于高盐溶液。此外,CTAB可十分有效地促进DNA和RNA与多糖的分离并去除多糖。可通过提高NaCl的浓度和沉淀核酸去除CTAB。