normal cell是体细胞,nucleus是细胞核,chromosome 是染色体,DNA molecule contains many genes的意思是DNA分子包含很多基因 allele是等位基因 讲明白一点:体细胞就是非生殖细胞,人体“体细胞”,除了精细胞和卵细胞其它都是normal cell。体细胞和生殖细胞的区别就是体细胞有46条染色体,生殖细胞(精子卵子...
The gene occupies a fixed location on each chromosome and contains genetic information. Genetic information is translated into proteins by genes. Eukaryotes (including plants and animals) contain DNA in their nucleus. Similarly, there are certain subsets of genes within the mitochondria and chloroplasts...
chromosome,DNA,gene 染色体,基因,DNA 这三者之间的关系到底是什么?例如,字母,词,和句子.词包含字母,句子又包含词.以这个为例子的话,那这三者
contains many genes (hundreds to thousands) makes up a chromosome. The genes are arranged in a particular sequence and have a particular location on the chromosome (called its locus). In addition to DNA, chromosomes also contain many other chemical components. These chemicals inf...
Your 23rd chromosome is your sex-determination chromosome and is inherited differently. You still inherit one copy of chromosome 23 from each parent. Males inherit a Y chromosome from their father, which is what makes males male. Males inherit an X chromosome from their mother. Females inherit ...
DNA是分子,是基础。基因由一串DNA组成。染色体又由很多很多DNA(包括很多基因)外加蛋白质构成。DNA就像是字母 而基因就是词 染色体就是句子。其实这个比喻不恰当。应该这样比:一根长绳子(DNA),很长。中间的某一节(基因)。把这根绳子绕在罐头上,绕很多罐头,绕完后在仔细堆放好,就是染色体了。
Actually, that's not true. Some women are mosaics. They have a mix of chromosome types with X, with XY or with XXX. If it's not just about our chromosomes, then what is being a woman about? Beingfeminine? Getting married? Having kids? You don't have to look far to find fantastic...
If you ladies are thinking, I WISH I had a Y chromosome to test, cheer up, because one of the topics I cover is how to find relevant family members, even distant members, who can test for your male ancestral lines. History Revealed Genealogists always want every piece of available informa...
We re-sequenced the asr20 mutant population and located the mutation in chromosome 1 (Supplementary Fig. 6a)40, and found there were 5 genes with mutations in the regions (Supplementary Fig. 6a). After allelic crossing with mutants of candidate genes with atm, we verified that abo4-1(G522...