Another class of multi-copyB. malayirepeat that could contribute to chromosome remodeling are the lateral gene transfers (LGT) fromWolbachia42.B. malayi, like a number of filarial nematodes, carry obligate intracellular bacterialWolbachiaendosymbionts that frequently transfer their DNA to their host, ...
Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions. The word chromosome comes from the Greek χρῶμα (chroma, color) and σῶμα (soma, body) due to their property of being very strongly stained by particular dyes. Diagram of a ...
alata-like chromosomes and/or chromosome arms by combinations of end-to-end and centric fusions and translocations (Fig. 2a, Supplementary Fig. 9c). Fig. 2: Dioscoreaceae chromosome evolution. a Ribbon diagram demonstrating conserved chromosomal synteny and large-scale segmental collinearity (semi-...
(roughly 20–30 μg DNA per 80 μl plug mold) in low melting point agarose blocks. The blocks are then treated with proteolytic agents to lyse the cells (nuclei). The embedding in agarose prevents shearing of the high molecular weight (HMW) DNA during handling. (3) The blocks ...
(iv) immune receptor genes.bThe schematic diagram illustrates the use of synthetic DNA controls (sequins) and the in silico chromosome during the NGS workflow (upper panel). The range of experimental variables evaluated within this study, including difficult genetic features, library preparation ...
DNA double strand break repair appears to be completed during maximal self-synapsis along the X chromosome axis Due to the largely heterologous state of the mouse X and Y chromosomes, DSB repair on these sex chromosomes is delayed in regions outside the PAR (reviewed in [59]). To visualize...
(modifiable synthetic short oligonucleotides) to anchor the 68 currently largestRangifer tarandusscaffolds from the most recentR. tarandusgenome [20] to chromosomes. The oligonucleotide-based technology was chosen instead of the de novo synthesis of DNA probes from bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) ...
For a statistical approach of this problem, the 95% confidence limits of relative length and centromeric index were calculated for each chromosome and set out in two dimensional scatter diagram. It is argued that in cases where chromosomes decrease gradually in relative length and show similar ...
DNA-repair factors contribute not only to the maintenance of genome integrity but also to translocations in normal and cancer cells. Next-generation sequencing techniques provide an unprecedented and powerful tool to approach the field of chromosomal translocations. Using specific examples, we will ...
Graphical presentation of the results of the automated analysis of the SCCN strings of the karyotypes of 94 Ph positive ALL cases with respect to quantitative chromosome changes. Diagram showing the maximum numbers of gains and losses at each chromosome. Full size image Figure 3 Distribution of ...