转录因子DNA结合域(Transcription Factor DNA Binding Domain)。 转录因子是一类能够结合到DNA上的蛋白质,它们在基因转录调控中起着至关重要的作用。转录因子通过其DNA结合域与特定的DNA序列结合,从而调控基因的转录活性。DNA结合域是转录因子中的一个重要结构域,它决定了转录因子与DNA结合的特异性和亲和力。 转录因子的...
Incubates which include candidate agents which alter transcription factor binding deviate from control incubates in terms of label signal - typically, binding is disrupted and the signal is diminished. In a preferred embodiment, the entire process is performed by a computer-controllable electromechanical ...
据介绍,各种转录因子间的相互作用对组织特异性的基因表达具有重要的调控作用。为了绘制一个转录因子作用谱,科学家们分析了在人与小鼠体内起主要作用的DNA结合转录因子(DNA-binding transcription factors,TFs)。 在完成的图谱中,有762种人类的转录因子和877种小鼠的转录因子,它们可相互作用。分析研究发现,大部分的转录因...
转录因子(transcription factor)是起正调控作用的反式作用因子.转录因子是转录起始过程中RNA聚合酶所需的辅助因子.真核生物基因在无转录因子时处于不表达状态,RNA聚合酶自身无法启动基因转录,只有当转录因子(蛋白质)结合在其识别的DNA序列上后,基因才开始表达.转录因子的结合位点(transcription factor binding site,TFBS)...
近日,来自斯坦福大学的Joanna Wysocka团队在Cell杂志发表了文章DNA-guided transcription factor cooperativity shapes face and limb mesenchymes,他们之前发现了一个复合DNA序列“Coordinator”,具有bHLH(basic helix-loop-helix)和HD(homeodomain)家族转录因子结合区域,利用这个复合DNA序列,研究团队对其作用模式进行了...
H.B., Holtman, I.R., Westin, E., Hoeksema, M.A., Abe, Y., Skola, D., Romanoski, C.E., Tao, J., et al. (2018). Analysis of Genetically Diverse Macrophages Reveals Local and Domain-wide Mechanisms that Control Transcription Factor Binding and Function.Cell173, 1796-1809 e1717....
现已证实,包括NANOG同源框转录因子(NANOG homeobox transcription factor,NANOG)、八聚体结合转录因子4(octamer-binding transcription factor 4,OCT4)、Y染色体性别决定区盒转录因子2(sex-determing region of Y chromosome-box transcription factor 2,SOX2)...
e.g.DNA bendingbecause of transcription factor binding (Pérez-Martin and Espinosa, 1993). The hydration state of DNA and proteins plays an important role in these phenomena (Douzou, 1994). H2O molecules do not only provide the solvent environment but directly participate as ligands in these re...
Transcription factors: specific DNA binding and specific gene regulation Specific recognition of cis-regulatory regions is essential for correct gene regulation in response to developmental and environmental signals. Such DNA se... AL Todeschini,A Georges,RA Veitia - 《Trends in Genetics》 被引量: ...