Putting Diversity & Inclusion at the heart of what we do We understand that building a truly diverse workplace takes more than words. It requiresactions. Below are just some of the initiatives we have put in place to make sure diversity and inclusion is embedded across everything we do. ...
EY UK Consulting Markets Leader, Financial Services; EY Global Actuarial Leader Global Insurance Actuarial leader. Focused on excellent client service. Passionate about diversity and inclusion. Keen tennis player and music enthusiast. London, GBR Learn...
We’re providing a brief overview of the current diversity legislation and how it impacts health and social care, education, and the workplace in general.Diversity and inclusion practicesmake for good nonprofit board discussions and, in many cases, are a necessary part of legal compliance. What...
Discrimination, Stereotype, Prejudice, Bullying and Harassment Potential risk/barriers and positive actions The course will help participants to: Address various perceptions around diversity and inclusion (equality) Present the local (and/or other country and organizational) legal perspective(s) relating to...
We welcome the Australian and UK Gender Pay Gap legislation and are committed to increasing the representation of women within our business, and especially at senior levels. We’re driven by a continuing desire to make Iress a great place to work, where the diverse experience, attitude, and ba...
Prysmian promotes diversity and inclusion at all levels to create an inclusive environment, encouraging the development of our group culture and identity.
However we do not feel it is enough to simply implement procedures in line with equality legislation and we have broadened our approach to ensure we are working towards being market leaders in tackling diversity issues and are supporting our clients to achieve their diversity goals. ...
All the information you provide is processed in accordance with UK General Data Protection Regulations 2021 (UK-GDPR) and any other applicable data protection legislation in the UK. Please see our privacy policy for details.We analyse the data, track the industry make-up over time and use our...
Man Group is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, and has introduced a number of initiatives in recent years. We focus on external and internal initiatives, partnerships and programmes that help us to attract and develop talent from more diverse backgrounds and to encourage diversity, equit...
These objectives center on increasing the presence and inclusion of traditionally underrepresented or disenfranchised social groups: women, racial/ethnic minorities, and older workers. The social justice perspective includes the study of workplace discrimination and the implementation of diversity management ...