病理生理学英文课件:Diseases of the Immune System.ppt,chronic inflammation thought to be the result of autoimmunity widespread damage to small blood vessels progressive interstitial and perivascular fibrosis in the skin and multiple organs progressive fi
《病理学》英文课件:09 Diseases of Immunity DiseasesofImmunity (免疫性疾病)朱荣 Office:Rm.207,EastNo.1BuildingE-mail:zhurongss@fudan.edu.cn Overview Immunesystem:ATwo-edgedsword:responsiblefordefendingusagainst thecountlesspathogenicmicrobesortumorshypersensitiveorabnormalreactionisthecauseofsomediseases ...
(unresponsiveness)toself-antigensisafundamentalpropertyof theimmunesystem,breakdownisthebasisofautoimmunediseases SystemicLupusSystemicLupusErythematosusErythematosus (SLE)(SLE) Characteristics: 1.Predominantlyinyoungwomen. 2.Mainlyconductedbyhumoralimmunity. 3.Multipleorgansdamage,multisystemautoimmune disease 4.Variant...
《病理学》7 Diseases of the Digestive System-英文教学课件(非AI生成).pptx,Diseases of the Digestive System ; Gastritis Peptic ulcers Carcinomas of the alimentary tract Viral hepatitis Liver cirrhosis Common non-viral liver diseases Primary carcinomas o
1 Immunodeficiency diseases Paediatricsteachingppt .scmc DevelopmentofImmune System DevelopmentofIgGinNewbornInfant –Uptonormaladultslevel –Frommothermainly –Achieveto60%ofadultslevelwhen1yearold,and100% ofadultslevelwhen6yearsold –IgGcouldbesubdividedintoIgG1、IgG2、IgG3andIgG4 –Agedependentchangesof...
Infection and the Body’s Defense Mechanisms The innate immune system Structural barriers Skin and mucous membranes Inflammatory response The acquired immune system Humoral system Cellular immune system Immunization Most Frequent and Serious Problems Bacterial Infections Secondary infections, sexually transmitted...
Common Noninfectious Diseases Allergy- An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to something in your surroundings that is harmless to most people. Allergy- An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to something in your surroundings that is harmless to most people. Asthma- Asthm...
病理学英文版教学课件:Infectious Diseases.pptx,Infectious Diseases;Etiology: pathogenic microbes parasite epidemiology source of infection route of transmission Susceptible population Pathogenesis entry cell toxin /enzyme, vessel injury immune response ;
MS is a putative autoimmune demyelinating disease. The target organ of the immune response is the central nervous system (CNS). Clinically, patients present with discrete episodes of neurological dysfunction which initially improve over weeks to months. This is a relapse. Hence, the early phase of...
医学专业英语课件-Human Diseases.ppt,The IgG sticks well to antigens and eventually covers them so that the antigens can no longer stimulate the immune response and IgG production is switched off. This is an example of negative feedback control. ** sticks