THEIMMUNESYSTEM免疫系统-北京大学医学部课程中心.ppt,启动阶段 Ag processing and presentation T cell stimulation --- activation 增殖 T cell activation and proliferation 效应阶段 Effector T cells 调节复原 Immunoregulation 9-1 获得性免疫应答的基本过程 9-2 DC
也就是说一半的死亡完全是可以预防的 Ab 3Moleculesoftheimmunesystem (免疫分子) IFN-b TCR MHC 心脑血管病是世界卫生组织总干事讲过,只要采取预防措施就能减少一半的死亡,也就是说一半的死亡完全是可以预防的 ThreeTopics Diversity Specificity Memory AdaptiveImmuneRecognition ThreeRepresents MHC Antibodies TCRs ...
Chapter 8 The Immune System The immune system Two general classifications 1.Non-specific immune system 2.Specific immune system Visit the Immune System at Cells of the immune system The components of non-specific immunity External mechanisms –Skin –Digestive tract –Respiratory tract –Urinary tract...
病理生理学英文课件:Diseases of the Immune System.ppt,chronic inflammation thought to be the result of autoimmunity widespread damage to small blood vessels progressive interstitial and perivascular fibrosis in the skin and multiple organs progressive fi
(免疫学课件)Introductiontotheimmunesystem(4-19-2016)LearningObjectives •Challengesthattheimmunesystemevolvestodealwith•Architecture&components:layersofdefense;cellsand organsoftheinnateandadaptiveimmunesystems;sensorsofpathogensandreceptorsofantigens,cytokinesthathelpinter-cellularcommunication•Principlesofinnate...
IMMUNE SYSTEM CONSIST OF: Primary (central) Lymphoid Organs in which Leukocytes develop (Bone marrow & Thymus) Secondary (peripheral) Lymphoid Organs & Tissues in which Immune Response occur which include: - Lymph Nodes and Spleen - Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) Waldeyers Ring (Tonsil)...
TheCellsoftheImmuneSystem CharlieMcSharry AimsandObjectives Bytheendofthelecturesandlabyoushouldbeableto:•appreciatetheoriginofthecellsoftheimmunesystemfromthebonemarrow –describeinsimpletermsthemicroscopicappearanceofthecellsoftheimmunesystem:••••BandTlymphocytesplasmacellsmacrophagesdendriticcells –...
An Overview of the Immune System 第1章绪论:免疫系统简介 AnOverviewoftheImmuneSystem 内容与要求 1、免疫的概念(掌握免疫的概念、功能,熟悉免疫的类型)2、免疫学发展简史(了解简史、熟悉著名的免疫学家及其主要贡献)3、免疫系统的基本组成(熟悉)天然免疫系统和获得性免疫系统的区别 天然免疫系统和获得性免疫...
The immune system has thus evolved adaptations that work together to contain the microbiota and preserve the symbiotic relationship between host and microbiota. The evolution of the vertebrate immune system has therefore been driven by the need to protect the C host from pathogens and to foster ...