Lyapunov matrix equationstriangular linear systemsGivens rotationsshared memory multiprocessorIn this paper we study the parallel solution of the discrete-time Lyapunov equation. Two parallel fine and medium grain algorithms for solving dense and large order equations $hat Ahat Xhat A^T - hat X + ...
equations for discrete-time descriptor systems given by Bender. We asso- ciate a stable discrete-time descriptor system with a Lyapunov equation which has a unique solution. Furthermore, under the assumptions of reachability and observability, the solutions are guaranteed to be positive definite. ...
Solving Discrete-Time Lyapunov Equations for the Cholesky Factor on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor In this paper we study the parallel solution of the discrete-time Lyapunov equation. Two parallel fine and medium grain algorithms for solving dense and la... JM Claver,V Hernández,ES Quintana-Ortí...
This paper deals with the properties of the solutions of the discrete-time algebraic Lyapunov equation (DALE) under assumptions of reconstructibility or detectability of the underlying system. The inertia (i.e. the number of positive, null and negative eigenvalues) of any symmetric solution is lin...
现代控制理论基础 课件(英文)Lecture5-1-知识点21 Stability and Lyapunov methods;Lecture5-2-知识点22 First Method of Lyapunov( the indirect method) 热度: A mapping method for global asymptotic stability of population interaction models with time delays ...
Ganikhodzhaev RN, Saburov M (2008) A generalized model of the nonlinear operators of Volterra type and Lyapunov functions. J Sib Fed Univ Math Phys 1(2):188–196 MATH Google Scholar Garay J, Cressman R, Mori TF, Varga T (2018) The ESS and replicator equation in matrix games under ...
摘要: The purpose of this paper is to present some results on the effects of parametric perturbations on the Lyapunov exponents of discrete time-varying linear systems. We fix our attention on the greatest and smallest exponents.关键词: difference equation stability time-varying systems Lyapunov ...
For the long-run average cost, SS and SD guarantee existence and uniqueness of a stationary measure and consequently existence of an optimal stationary control policy. Furthermore, an extension of a Lyapunov equation result is derived for the countably infinite Markov state-space case 展开 ...
In addition it is shown that the Lyapunov equation can be derived in four equivalent forms and, as a by-product, each one gives risc to an easier-to-check sufficient condition. These results give, inter alia, a unified and rather complete picture for MSS of Markovian jump linear systems. ...
a parametric periodic lyapunov equation with application in semi-global stabilization of discrete-time periodic systems subject to actuator saturation:一类具有应用于执行器饱和的离散时间周期系统的半全局镇定的参数化周期李李诺夫方程 热度: DiscreteTimeControlSystems,1995,Ogata,0133171906,9780133171907,Prentice- ...