set theorytime-varying systems/ converse Lyapunov theoremdisturbancesdiscrete-time systemstime-varying systemsrobust global asymptotic stabilityThis paper presents a converse Lyapunov theorem for discrete-time systems with disturbances taking values in compact sets. Among several new stability results, it is ...
Recurrent processes arise in the context of queuing theory (Lindley, 1952) and are also used to define notions of stochastic controllability (Ehrhardt & Kliemann, 1982). Sufficient Lyapunov-like criteria for recurrence in both continuous and discrete-time stochastic systems are in Meyn and Tweedie,...
摘要: The purpose of this paper is to present some results on the effects of parametric perturbations on the Lyapunov exponents of discrete time-varying linear systems. We fix our attention on the greatest and smallest exponents.关键词: difference equation stability time-varying systems Lyapunov ...
Lyapunov theorynonlinear systemsconverse theoremscomputational methodsIn this paper, we present a new approach for computing Lyapunov functions for nonlinear discrete-time systems with an asymptotically stable equilibrium at the origin. Given a suitable triangulation of a compact neighbourhood of the origin,...
This contribution deals with a new approach for computing Lyapunov functions represented by neural networks for nonlinear discrete-time systems to prove asymptotic stability. Based on the Lyapunov theory and the notion of domain of attra... B Bocquillon,P Feyel,G Sandou,... - SCITEPRESS - Sci...
discrete-time descriptor systems based on those given in [1]. All results to be established are valid for causal and noncausal descriptor systems. The Lyapunov equations are very similar to those of normal systems in either appearance or theories. The positive definiteness of the solutions impl...
A mapping method for global asymptotic stability of population interaction models with time delays 热度: Guidance for industries stability testing of drug substances and drug products 热度: Non-monotonicLyapunovFunctions forStabilityofDiscreteTimeNonlinearandSwitchedSystems ...
This paper is concerned with piecewise-affine (PWA) functions as Lyapunov function candidates for stability analysis of time-invariant discrete-time linear systems with saturating closed-loop control inputs. Using a PWA model of saturating closed-loop system, new necessary and sufficient conditions for...
The concepts from 1D Lyapunov stability theory are first extended to 2D nonlinear systems and then to general continuous-time multidimensional nonlinear systems. To check the stability, a direct Lyapunov method is developed. While the direct Lyapunov method has been recently proposed for discrete-time...
This paper extends some of the basic results in the area of Lyapunov (asymptotic) and finite time and practical stability to linear, discrete, time invariant time-delay systems. New definitions have been established for the latter concept of stability. Sufficient conditions for this type of stabili...