T. Nambu, Continuous dependence of solutions to the Lyapunov equation relative to an elliptic differential operator of order 2, Math. Control, Signals, Systems 5 (1992), 195 216.T. Nambu, Continuous dependence of solutions to the Lyapunov equation relative to an elliptic differential operator of...
Lyapunov方程 1. Matrix bounds for the solution of the unified algebraic Lyapunov equation using Delta operator; 基于Delta算子的统一代数Lyapunov方程解的上下界 2. Lyapunov equation with positive definite solution for descriptor systems; 广义系统具有正定解的Lyapunov方程 3. Lyapunov equation with positive...
Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models 版本 0.0.1 说明书 Package‘gclm’October13,2022 Type Package Title Graphical Continuous Lyapunov Models Version0.0.1 Description Estimation of covariance matrices as solutions of continuous time Lyapunov equations.Sparse coefficient matrix and diagonal noise are ...
The bounds for the discrete and continuous Lyapunov equations give a completion of some known bounds for the extremal eigenvalues and the determinant and the trace of the solution of the respective equation.doi:10.1080/00207178608933475GARLOFFJüRGEN...
Tornambe, "On a Lyapunov equation for polynomial continuous-time systems," International Journal of Control, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 393-403, 2014.Menini, L. and Tornambe, A. (2014). On a Lyapunov equation for polynomial continuous-time systems. In- ternational Journal of Control, 87(2)...
SinceAis stable, this Lyapunov equation is indeed solvable. The solution is unique and given by \begin{aligned} \Delta = \int _0^\infty e^{A t} \left( B_1 B_1^* - B_2 B_2^*\right) e^{A^*t} dt. \end{aligned} (2.8) ...
Trace formula of linear continuous-time periodic systems via the harmonic Lyapunov equation In the former part of this paper, a trace formula is established for the H 2 norms of a class of finite-dimensional linear continuous-time periodic (FDLCP)... J Zhou,T Hagiwara,M Araki - 《Internatio...
In this paper, the infinite horizon optimal robust guaranteed cost control of continuous-time uncertain nonlinear systems is investigated using neural-network-based online solution of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. By establishing an appropriate bounded function and defining a modified cost functi...
The matrix algebraic Lyapunov equation of a forward-pass fixed-interval smoother that uses backward-pass information filter outputs is investigated in continuous-time systems. A necessary and sufficient condition for its solution to yield an asymptotically stable closed-loop system is given. It is ...
Also select the Lyapunov function as Eq. (6). Only the proof of the following equation is given here, and the rest of the proof procedure is similar to the proof of Theorem 1. V˙(t)+2V(t)+e~T(t)e~(t)−γ02vT(t)v(t)≤0, ∀t∈[tk,tk+1). (16) By the event-tri...