discord_q_bot = DiscordApp(token=discord_bot_token)@discord_q_bot.client.event# triggers when a message is sent in the channelasyncdefon_message(message: discord.Message):ifmessage.author == discord_q_bot.client.user:returnifmessage.type!= discord.MessageType.default:returnifmessage.author.bot...
message.channel.send(`收到了 ${collected.length} 条消息。`); }); 复制 完整代码示例: import { Message, MessageCollector } from "discord.js"; // ... 其他代码 ... const collector = new MessageCollector( message.channel, (m: Message) => m.author.id === message.author.id, { max: ...
OpenClash Version v0.45.103-beta Bug on Environment Lean Bug on Platform Linux-amd64(x86-64) To Reproduce 国内网络环境:中国联通,iStoreOS单路由 使用Discord Describe the Bug 可以正常使用Discord的非语音频道功能,无法加入Discord的语音房间,显示RTC Connecting,No Route等错误,换用其他SSR插件可以正常使用,...
max_length=1000, required=True ) print("mt5") async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): print("mt6") a = [self.a1, self.a2, self.a3] print("mt7") print(a) print("mt8") await interaction.response.send_message("modal successful") print("mt9") class SlashCmd_Mo...
Error message shown in Discord, if the message is too long. (Available parameters: %username% = Discord username, %nickname% = Discord nickname, %max_char_count% = Max message length (value of chat.max_char_count), %actual_message_char_count% = Actual length of the send message, %new...
(max 2000 characters) :param username: Override the default username of the webhook :param avatar_url: Override the default avatar of the webhook :param tts: Is a text-to-speech message :param proxy: Proxy to use to make the Discord webhook call ...
#2854 RefactorMaxBitrateandUploadLimitinGuildHelper(6256de4) #2869 Fix optional param being non-optional (fa51f0a) [3.13.1] - 2024-02-11 Added #2804 Add Incident actions message types (178ff58) #2805 AddAppliedTagstoDiscordWebhookClient.SendXAsync(d382e5c) ...
== 0) return; const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g); const command = args.shift().toLowerCase(); if(command === "addalltorole") { process.setMaxListeners(0); let role = message.guild.roles.find(r => r.name == 'Community') if (!role...
Events are received onOpcode 0: Event- the event type will be part of the root message object under thetkey. {op:0,seq:1,t:"INIT_STATE",d:{"94490510688792576":{// Full Lanyard presence (see API docs above for example)}}}