discord_q_bot = DiscordApp(token=discord_bot_token)@discord_q_bot.client.event# triggers when a message is sent in the channelasyncdefon_message(message: discord.Message):ifmessage.author == discord_q_bot.client.user:returnifmessage.type!= discord.MessageType.default:returnifmessage.author.bot...
首先,我们需要获取指定通道的成员列表,并遍历每个成员。然后,对于每个成员,我们可以使用MessageManager的fetch方法获取他们在该通道中的消息列表,并通过size属性获取消息数量。 以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 const Discord = require('discord.js'); const channelId = 'your_channel_id'; // 替换为你的...
一、 个人不明白为什么要获取消息,您可以简单地执行以下操作: message.channel.messages.fetch({limit: args[0]}).then(messages =>{ message.channel.bulkDelete(messages.size).then(() => { message.channel.send("Deleted " + args[0] + " messages").then(msg =>{ setTimeout(() => msg.delete(...
messageSweepInterval:设置清理消息缓存的间隔时间。当消息被清理时,相关资源将被释放。推荐的腾讯云产品:无 disableMentions:设置是否禁用提及功能,可以禁止机器人被提及或者禁止提及其他用户。推荐的腾讯云产品:无 retryLimit:设置消息发送失败后的重试次数。推荐的腾讯云产品:无 restTimeOffset:设置REST请求的时间偏移量,可...
"message": "Invalid Form Body" ] } }, "message": "Invalid Form Body" } ``` ### Request Error ```json { "code": 50035, "message": "Invalid Form Body", "errors": { "_errors": [ { "code": "APPLICATION_COMMAND_TOO_LARGE", "message": "Command exceeds maximum size (8000)"...
size !== 100) { // Less than 100 messages means we've reached the start of the channel break; } lastMessageId = messages.last().id; } // Write the messages to a file, named by channel const channelFileName = `${exportPath}/${channel.name}.txt`; fs.writeFileSync(channelFile...
as all it does is send message attachments. Once I figured all of that out, it was rudimentary to create a background thread that would connect to Discord and could be passed file information to upload. Once I hit the 25MB limit though, I needed to figure out a way to split files up...
discord API*/// method return a promise/** resolving the promise will return the message object*//*** @param {Sting} content - String data to be sent on discord* @param {Object} channel - Discord channel {id or name(if you put map to the constructor you can use the name only)}*...
Voice message features Topic-based channels Notifications when friends are active Low latency audio and video Hidden channel capabilities Customizable user permissions Discord is another voice chat platform with a focus on gaming. Discord is made up of numerous servers, which are organized into channels...