"message": "Invalid Form Body", "errors": { "_errors": [ { "code": "APPLICATION_COMMAND_TOO_LARGE", "message": "Command exceeds maximum size (8000)" } ] } "code": 50035, "message": "Invalid Form Body", "errors": { "_errors": [ { "code": "APPLICATION_COMMAND_TOO_LARGE",...
client.on("message",function(message){if(message.content ==="ping") { client.message.send(author,"pong"); } }); Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 问题是我不太明白如何发送消息. 有谁能够帮我 ? javascriptdiscorddiscord.js Gab*_*abe ...
message.awaitReactions((reaction, user) => { return ['👍', '👎'].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && !user.bot; }, { max: 2 }) .then(collected => { console.log(`Collected ${collected.size} reactions`); }) .catch(console.error); } }); 上述代码中,当收到一条消息内容为...
divides the embeds into message objects, based on discord's restrictions (max 6000 chars / 10 embeds) renderOptions: object commands: an object of commands, commands can be functions or values with a.toStringmethod ul: a string or function, overrides the unordered list item iconol: a string ...
__init__(self, name: str, description: str, max_loops: int, agents: List[Agent], swarm_type: SwarmType, *args, **kwargs): Initialize the SwarmRouter. _create_swarm(self, *args, **kwargs): Create and return the specified swarm type. _log(self, level: str, message: str, task:...
messageCacheMaxSize:设置消息缓存的最大数量。当缓存的消息数量达到上限时,新的消息将覆盖最旧的消息。推荐的腾讯云产品:无 messageCacheLifetime:设置消息缓存的生存时间,即消息保留在缓存中的时间长度。推荐的腾讯云产品:无 messageSweepInterval:设置清理消息缓存的间隔时间。当消息被清理时,相关资源将被释放。推荐的腾...
Max 8reviews AU Jan 15, 2022 The BEST Messaging/Social Media Platform Discord is by far my favourite social media platform. It doesn't just have direct messaging where you can send photos, messages, etc., it has servers, which is what makes Discord stand out. Servers can have bots, many...
However, if you have a Nitro subscription, you can share files up to a max of 100Mb each. In 2025, Discord introduced Nitro Basic, allowing users to send files up to 50MB – offering a middle ground for those who need more than 8MB but don’t want to pay for full Nitro. ...
("The amount of gifs you want").setRequired(true).setMinValue(1).setMaxValue(5)),asyncexecute(interaction){constcategory=interaction.options.getString("category");awaitinteraction.reply(category);for(vari=2;i<=interaction.options.getInteger("amount");i++){awaitinteraction.followUp(category);}...