Both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 supports make multithreading an attractive alternative to address the performance bottleneck of rendering. However, due to the complexity of both the renderer and multithreaded programming, it’s necessary to carefully understand the characteristics ...
on the DirectX 12, or Windows 10, the IDXGIAdapter3 interface allows you to query the exact amount of video memory you currently have available. So that's a lot better than what you had on the Windows 7, Windows 8, and with DirectX 11, where you need to guess of how much video me...
A game developed in DirectX 12 usually has better performance than DX 11, but if the devs aren’t familiar with the API, the result can be a disaster. This is one of the reasons that there are so many unoptimized AAA game titles in 2023. This is why some devs still choose DX11 in ...
Bad performance in Directx 11 Hi everyone, I recently purchased an RX 5700XT GPU and noticed that it is performing quite poorly in directx 11. I'm having issues with Lost Ark, and Dying Light 2, which are the games I'm currently playing. I tested several games in DX 12 and the probl...
D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_READBACK D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_GPU_UPLOAD 此外还提供了自定义的 Custom Heap 类型可以通过修改 CPUPageProperty 和 MemoryPoolPreference 来设置 Heap 的属性。 Heap 的创建 可以先创建一个 D3D12_HEAP_DESC 设置需要创建的 Heap 的属性,如大小,对齐方式,存放在 SysRAM 或者 VRAM 等,然后再通过 I...
DirectX 11 (DX11) for The Sims 4 - A Step-by-Step Guide OVERVIEW DirectX 11, abbreviated as DX11, is a set of drivers from Microsoft that enhance visual and audio performance for games. Applying DX11 to The Sims 4 on a compatible PC can result in better performance, smoother animati...
Does anyone know if the problems with the 13900k and the 14900k running direct X12 games and programs have been solved by either Microsoft in Windows 11 or by Intel? Aside from lowering your p cores and all the other tuning possibilities which are not actually fixes. Tradu...
I have issues loading lots with DirectX 11. One lot in particular with lots of objects refuses to load outright. Another does load but some of my custom wallpapers no longer work, eg the 'Tiny Twavellers' set from Felixandre and HeyHarrie. This is a shame because I use them a lot!
DirectX vs GDI - Strength in Numbers To see DirectX in action and compare its performance and rendering capabilities to GDI, please review the following video. In it, we compare the DevExpress WinForms Data Grid (with DirectX Hardware Acceleration enabled) with Microsoft’s Standard GridView (lik...
Version/Branch of Dear ImGui: Version: 1.69 Branch: master Back-end/Renderer/Compiler/OS Back-ends: imgui_impl_directx11.cpp + imgui_impl_win32.cpp Compiler: Visual Studio Community 2019 Operating System: Windows10 My Issue/Question: Ope...