Exact formulae relating parameters in conditional and reduced generalized linear models are introduced where the reduced model omits a continuous mediator from the conditional model. For certain link functions including logit, the natural direct effect and the natural indirect effect of the counterfactual...
Judea Pearl是图灵奖得主,因果推断的奠基人之一。由于阅读的论文中涉及到反事实推断中Total Effect(TE), Natural Direct Effect(NDE), Total Indirect Effect(TIE)等概念,涉及到反事实推断方法的核心,因此前来拜读一下Pearl老
1)direct effect直接效应 1.Gross quantity effect is subdivided into direct effect and indirect effect.FDI对我国进出口贸易的影响分别从总量效应和结构效应两个方面体现出来,总量效应可细化为直接效应和间接效应,结构效应主要通过技术的溢出效应得以实现。 2.Bundling is a common practice in many markets with dir...
NIE: Natural Indirect Effect.TDE: Total Direct Effect;TIE: Total Indirect Effect;PDE: Pure Direct Effect;PIE: Pure Indirect Effect.主要内容X Z Y 设想, 药物XX的影响通过俩种途径:直接对身体产生的影响; 服用药物XX会导致头疼, 故患者大概率会服用镇痛剂, 镇痛剂会利于(或者不利于)恢复....
PIE: Pure Indirect Effect. 主要内容 graph LR X(X) -->Z(Z) --> Y(Y) X --> Y 设想, 药物(X)的影响通过俩种途径: 直接对身体产生的影响; 服用药物(X)会导致头疼, 故患者大概率会服用镇痛剂, 镇痛剂会利于(或者不利于)恢复. 如果我们直接计算causal effect, 则二者都会纳入其中, 但是往往我们所...
1) Direct and indirect action 直接作用和间接作用例句>> 2) direct effect 直接作用 1. The direct effect of ethylene on lipase activity and its mechanism have been studied. 研究了乙烯对脂肪酶活力的直接作用及其机理。 2. In this paper we study a mathematical model of the direct effect of ...
account both the direct effect from higher retail prices of oil products and the indirect [...] legco.gov.hk 如 這場戰事能“速戰 速決”,而 假設原油價格在大 約 一個季 度內 上升 10%,則在計及燃油產品 零售價格增加 的直接 影響和整體營商成本因而被推高的間接影響後,估計 綜合消費物價...
This type of network effect is called an indirect network effect, also known as cross-side effects. With indirect network effects, the value of the service increases for one user group when a new user of a different user group joins the network. You must have two or more user groups to ...
The research ofindirect economic effectis significant to upgrade the national economic growth and adjust industrial structure. 间接经济效益的研究对于提高国民经济增长质量,调整产业结构有非常重要的意义。 更多例句>> 5) indirect economic benefit 间接经济效益 ...
To test the influences of mimetic isomorphism, we set innovation-supportive culture, organizational citizenship, and organizational legitimacy as meditate variables. To analyze these effects, we conducted various analysis techniques such as path analysis, analysis of direct effects and indirect effects, ...