The Digimon Wiki is a database covering the Digimon virtual pets, manga, and games developed by Bandai, and the anime produced by Toei.
Digimon Story:World DS|Dawn and Dusk|Lost Evolution|Super Xros Wars|Cyber Sleuth|Hacker's Memory|Time Stranger BattleSpirit:BattleSpirit|1.5|2|Server Rumble Arena:Rumble Arena|2|All-Star MMORPG:Digimon RPG|Digimon Masters|Digimon Super Rumble ...
Digimon Wiki Explora Discusiones Todas las páginas Comunidad Mapas Interactivos Entradas de blog recientes Administración Mantenimiento Sin categorizar Páginas cortas Sobre Wikia Peticiones Anime Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon Tamers ...
Its primary use is to empower the DigiDestined's partner Digimon through Digivolution, though each version of the Digivice is also equipped with many other helpful features, such as radar or data storage. Even when Digivices are the same type, they are usually differentiated by a color scheme...
Digimon Masters Wiki ist eine Community, zu der jeder beitragen kann. Schau dich um und füge dein Wissen hinzu! Beliebte Artikel Bakemon Liste der Digimon Elemente Ruler of the Flame Piyomon Typus Beliebte Kategorien Gegenstände Hauptseite Verwaiste Seiten Digimon Masters KDMO...
5 Ceres, mythological Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility. Fiction Digimon Heroes! Main article:Ceresmon (Heroes!) Ceresmon digivolves fromSirenmonand can digivolve into a more powerful version of itself, which can then digivolve toCeresmon Medium. ...
Garurumon, as described in the Digimon Wikia, embodies a strong sense of justice and loyalty. It excels in combat, using its powerful legs for kick attacks. It has a straightforward personality, favoring fairness in battles, and can enhance its own or an ally's attack. Provided by: Fandom...
Andromon is a Cyborg Digimon. It possesses a fighting strength which can fell a Digimon below Ultimate in a single blow. It was developed as a prototype for Cyborg Digimon, and the mechanically-based Andromon was manufactured at the same time as the orga
Its primary use is to empower the DigiDestined's partner Digimon through Digivolution, though each version of the Digivice is also equipped with many other helpful features, such as radar or data storage. Even when Digivices are the same type, they are usually differentiated by a color scheme...
Still attempting to fight Arcadiamon, Omnimon manages to damage him using his "Grey Sword". When Neo insults Mari, Rosemon stands up for her, only to be deleted by Arcadiamon, but not before she severs his entire arm from his body. Once again attacking him head on, Omnimon uses his "...