Andromon is a Cyborg Digimon. It possesses a fighting strength which can fell a Digimon below Ultimate in a single blow. It was developed as a prototype for Cyborg Digimon, and the mechanically-based Andromon was manufactured at the same time as the orga
1.1 Tsurugi Tatsuno and Agumon 1.2 Yu Inui and Gaomon 1.3 Ami Kitajima and Pichimon 2 Allies 2.1 Piximon 2.2 Trailmon (C-89 Model) 2.3 Sunflowmon 2.4 MegaKabuterimon 2.5 Andromon 3 Antagonists 3.1 Barbamon 3.2 Sho Kahara and Peckmon 3.3 Commandments 4 Other 4.1 King Drasil 4.2 Nor...
Digimon: monsters who are born in the Digital World. Although they're made up of data, they can also cry, laugh, and fight like we do. They're our important friends! Let's gather up as many teammates as we can! Come along with us in our adventure through
He is defeated when Shoutmon X4 manages to get him to stab himself with his sentient King's Bite weapon. Neptunemon's dying move is to engulf everything in waves, but King Whamon saves all of the residents and the Fusion Fighters, as the final trace of the Bagra Army is removed from...
Digimon Wiki 13,459 pages Explore General Anime Other Community in: Pages using ISBN magic links, Groups, Articles with unconfirmed statements, and 5 more Seven Great Demon Lords Edit This article needs your LOVE What's needed: grammar cleanup on Next Order, Re:Digitize info; explain ...
Demon Lord of Desctruction, Diaboromon! In Digimon Adventure:, Greymon, Garurumon, Kabuterimon, Birdramon, Ikkakumon, Togemon, Angemon, SkullKnightmon, and Gatomon use this form of digivolution to digivolve to MetalGreymon, WereGarurumon, MegaKabuterimon, Garudamon, Zudomon, Lillymon, Magna...
After they defeat Cherubimon, the DigiDestined learn that the true mastermind is Lucemon, an ancient and corrupt angel Digimon whom the Ten Legendary Warriors sealed away in the Dark Area. The six DigiDestined must defeat his two Royal Knights before they scan away all of the Digital World, ...
Digimon Wiki 13,478 pages Explore General Anime Other Community in: Organizations, Articles with section stubs, Partner Digimon, and 2 more Bagra Army Edit Bagra Army (バグラ軍) General information Founder: Lord Bagra Leader: Lord Bagra Intentions: To conquer the universe Appearances: ...
You can help DigimonWiki by expanding it.The Real World (リアルワールド / 現実世界 Riaru Wārudo / Genjitsu Sekai?), also known as Human World (人間界 / 人間世界 Ningen-kai / Ningen Sekai?), is the home world of humans in the various Digimon anime, manga, and games. Usually, the...
Digimon Story:World DS|Dawn and Dusk|Lost Evolution|Super Xros Wars|Cyber Sleuth|Hacker's Memory|Time Stranger BattleSpirit:BattleSpirit|1.5|2|Server Rumble Arena:Rumble Arena|2|All-Star MMORPG:Digimon RPG|Digimon Masters|Digimon Super Rumble ...