Agunimon and BurningGreymon Lobomon and KendoGarurumon Kazemon and Zephyrmon Beetlemon and MetalKabuterimon Kumamon and Korikakumon Loweemon and JagerLoweemon Mercurymon and Sakkakumon Duskmon and Velgemon Ranamon and Calmaramon Arbormon and Petaldramon Grumblemon and Gigasmon Monzaemon and WaruMon...
The Colosseum Zone (コロシアムゾーン Koroshiamu Zōn?) is the home of Agunimon, who is its champion. Xros World!! The Secret of the Two Worlds!?Study ZoneThe Study Zone (スタディゾーン Sutadi Zōn?) is the home of BanchoLeomon, who is its legendary leader. Xros World!! The ...
The headstrong leader of the group. Uses the Spirits of Flame to become Agunimon, BurningGreymon, and Aldamon, and borrows half of the Spirits to become EmperorGreymon. Koji MinamotoKouji Minamoto (源 輝二 Minamoto Kouji?) (En:) Steve Staley(Ja:) Hiroshi Kamiya Quiet and reserved, the...
Agunimon Kazemon J.P. Shibayama CV: Michael Shitanda Kumamon CV: Kumiko Watanabe Duskmon Loweemon Tomoki Himi CV: Kumiko Watanabe Koichi Kimura CV: Kenichi Suzumura Zephyrmon Korikakumon CV: Kumiko Watanabe Velgemon Beetlemon JagerLoweemon MetalKabuterimon Rhihimon RhinoKa...
Though first trying to reason with IceLeomon, Cherubimon's control is too powerful, so Agunimon fights to his full strength, and he quickly defeats his opponent. Afterward, two eye portals open up—one to the outside and one which heads deeper into Sakkakumon. Remembering the other Digi...
Grumblemon, having seen Kettle head back toward Seraphimon's castle and backtrack the way he came, appears and uses more magic to create a small army of Golemon. Arbormon, who was hidden, grapples Lobomon and Agunimon, taking them out of the fight and beating them. No longer able to...
Susanoomon is a Shaman Digimon. Told of in Oriental legends, it is the strongest destructive god and the god which governs over regeneration. It is told that when the Network System descends into chaos, it will erase the existing system, and create a new
Agunimon Arbormon Beetlemon BurningGreymon Calmaramon EmperorGreymon Gigasmon Grumblemon JagerLoweemon Kazemon KendoGarurumon Korikakumon Kumamon Lobomon Loweemon MagnaGarurumon Mercurymon MetalKabuterimon Petaldramon Ranamon Sakkakumon Susanoomon Zephyrmon Tamers [14] ...
Gallery:Arbormon Edit Gallery for ArbormonFor information on Arbormon, please go to Arbormon.Control ArtOfficial Bandai art Official Bandai art of Arbormon with Ranamon, Beetlemon, Kazemon, Mercurymon, Kumamon, Agunimon, Lobomon, Duskmon and Grumblemon from Twitter Official Toei artModels...
DigimonWiki Matadormon digivolves fromand some instances can digivolve toGranDracmon. Digimon New Century Matadormon digivolves fromSangloupmonand canDNA digivolvetoGranDracmonwithMyotismon. Notes and references ↑1.01.1Digimon Masters ↑Digimon World Dawn and Dusk ...