Species and strain difference of hepatic microsomal carboxyl- esterase isozymes in inbred strains of rats and micedoi:10.1016/S0021-5198(19)55997-2Masakiyo HosokawaMotoyasu SakaeTetsuo SatohJapanese Journal of Pharmacology
Sexual Differentiation of the Vertebrate Brain: Principles and Mechanisms A wide variety of sexual dimorphisms, structural differences between the sexes, have been described in the brains of many vertebrate species, including hum... Bradley,Cooke,and,... - 《Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology》 被引量...
The bony labyrinth contains the organs of hearing and balance. For this reason biologists and paleoanthropologists have undertaken research in this area to understand evolutionary changes in locomotion. Prior studies have found clear differences between species, but within-species variation has not been ...
Species Either of the consecrated elements of the Eucharist. 1 Race A large group of sentient beings distinguished from others on the basis of a common heritage compare species, subspecies. A treaty was concluded between the race of elves and the race of men. 4 Species Type or kind. race....
Strain is the deformation of materials under stress, focusing on the internal changes, while tension refers to the force stretching a material, emphasizing external stress. Difference Between Strain and Tension Table of Contents ADVERTISEMENTKey Differences ...
The reason for this inverse sex difference between rats and rabbits might be the differences in the species or strain, and not due to anemia or erythrocyte Pb level.The data obtained in the present study on the sex difference of FEP level were similar to the results obtained from our human...
The difference between a two-tailed test or non directional hypothesis and a one-tailed test or a directional hypothesis is that two-tailed test determines if there is a relationship between variables in both directions, while one-tailed test determines only a singledirection. Example of it is ...
Heredity and variation are two closely related terms in genetics. Yet, there is a subtle difference between heredity and variation. Heredity is the passing of characters of parents to their offspring. A progeny can inherit characters either by sexual or asexual reproduction. On the other hand, va...
Accordingly, this plant family provides an excellent system to examine specificity differences in mycobionts between autotrophic and closely related mycoheterotrophic plant species. We investigated mycobionts of Japonolirion osense , the sole species of the monotypic genus, from all known habitats of ...
16S rRNA: Family & Genus level of bacteria, Species level possible however there is high rate of false positives Shotgun Metagenomics:Species and Strain level resolution of multi-kingdom (bacteria, virus, fungi, protist) Functional profiling ...