breed,strain,stock- a special variety of domesticated animals within a species; "he experimented on a particular breed of white rats"; "he created a new strain of sheep" genus- (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Strain differences in emotionality: open-field and conditioned avoidance behavior in the rat 1 V. BISAGNO, M. FERRINI, H. RIOS, L. M. ZIEHER AND S. I. WIKINSKI. Chronic corticosterone impairs inhibitory avoidance in rats: Possible link with atrophy o... O Test,A Conditioning 被引量: 58...
Effect of foot-and-mouth diseases virus on protein synthesis and ribonucleic acid polymerase activity at various temperature Anti-herpesvirus effects of Isoprinosine were found to be condition-dependent in vitro and in vivo. A herpes type 1 strain, grown in primary rabbit kidney ... J Polatnick...
Psychology & Psychiatry Pets linked to maintaining better mental health and reducing loneliness during lockdown, new research shows Sharing a home with a pet appeared to act as a buffer against psychological stress during lockdown, a new survey shows. ...
stellata strain SAG 1224 14)聚为一支, 获得了极高的支持率(1.00/100)。采自上海和黑龙江的两株拟星形裸藻(1.00/100)与来自韩国的藻株(E. pseudostellata strain ACOI2956)聚为一支, 支持率为1.00/100。光明裸藻则是位于E5分支的基部, 采自上海市三个不同城市水体的藻株(1.00/100)与来自美国的藻株(E. ...
Journal of Mathematical PsychologyTreisman, 1977] M. Treisman (1977). The evolutionary restriction of aggression within a species: a game theory analysis. J. Math. Psychol. 16, 167-203.Treisman, M.: The evolutionary restriction of aggression within species: a game theory analysis. J. Math. ...
Community Psychology and the Schools by George J. Allen, Jack M. Chinsky, Stephen W. Larcen, John E. Lochman, and Howard V. Selinger. New York: Halsted Pre... We identified two green-colored conchocelis strains of cultivated Porphyra, 'Oba-green' and HGT-6 (F1 strain of 'Oba-green...
Second, our study focused on characterizing the behavioral, cellular and volumetric effects of one chronic stress paradigm in a single mouse strain and in males. While the direct extension of these results to a gender-balanced human sample strongly supports their generalizability, future preclinical ...
strain PAM1, an alfalfa rhizosphere dweller, catabolizes PAHs and promotes partner-plant growth. Microbiological Research, 253, 126885. Gonzalez-Gonzalez, L. M., & de-Bashan, L. E. (2023). The potential of microalgae–bacteria consortia to ...
Model fish species such as sticklebacks and zebrafish are frequently used in studies that require DNA to be collected from live animals. This is typically achieved by fin clipping, a procedure that is simple and reliable to perform but that can harm fish