Strain of Lactobacillus useful as probiotics in food and naturopathic medicines and which is resistant in vitro against hydrochloric acid and gastric juices and tolerates bile salts without deconjugating them whereas strong assimilation is occurring and which has good survival at the passage through ...
pBECKP system was used to introduce a premature stop codon in fosA in a clinically isolated strain of K. pneumonia with 100% editing efficiency. The group successfully tested the ability of the editing system to edit a GC-rich spacer in dhak. Moreover, the group enhanced the carbapenems ...
an inoculum of 0.1 mL of culture from each strain was then transferred to sterile Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 mL MSM supplemented with graded concentrations of As in the form of sodium arsenite
We next addressed why the plant and the honeybees act as vehicles of transport of the strain. To investigate the effect of the translocatedStreptomyceson the incidence of gray mold disease in the phyllosphere, an experiment was conducted from January until March, 2016, in which strain SP6C4 or...
strains ameliorate drought stress in maize by a strain-specific antioxidant response modulation. Microorganisms 8:823 Mpanga IK, Gomez-Genao N, Moradtalab N, Wanke D, Chrobaczek V, Ahmed A, Windisch S, Geistlinger J, Hafiz FB, Walker F, Ludewig...
Most vegetable crops are severely affected by the uptake of heavy metals from the soil. Heavy metals in vegetable bodies generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that unbalance the antioxidant defense system. This study was initiated to determine the physi
Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons, genome-wide average nucleotide identity and phenotypic characteristics, the organohalide-respiring isolates represent a new genus and species, for which the name Dehalococcoides mccartyi gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. Isolates BAV1 (=ATCC BAA-2100 =...
strain CeSI5. Can J Bot 77:1316–1320 Google Scholar Brannen PM, Backman PA (1994) Suppression of Fusarium wilt of cotton with Bacillus subtilis hopper box formulations. In: Ryder MH, Stephens PM, Bowen GD (eds) Improving plant productivity with rhizosphere bacteria, proceedings from the ...
Especially for the SCAPs response to the dual-species biofilm conditioned media, components of the biofilm matrix should be acknowledged as a contributing factor. The production of matrix components, such as polysaccharides and proteins vary depending on growth mode (planktonicvsbiofilm) both in qualita...
Herein, we describe an AMF-manipulated tumor-homing bacteria (AMF-Bac), constructed by modifying genetically engineeredE. coli BL21attenuated strain with a Fe3O4@lipid nanocomposite. We modularly design and fabricate the AMF-Bac utilizing both genetic engineering and nanotechnology. Similar to machiner...