6 生成文件 生成的文件分别为loci.txt,geneprioritization.txt, genesetenrichment.txt , tissueenrichment.txt,其中,geneprioritization.txt, genesetenrichment.txt , tissueenrichment.txt即为我们感兴趣的基因优化,geneset富集分析,组织富集分析 7 画图 Rscript ./DEPICT/src/python/tissue_plot.R ./DEPICT/example/...
生成的文件分别为loci.txt,geneprioritization.txt, genesetenrichment.txt , tissueenrichment.txt,其中,geneprioritization.txt, genesetenrichment.txt , tissueenrichment.txt即为我们感兴趣的基因优化,geneset富集分析,组织富集分析 7 画图 Rscript ./DEPICT/src/python/tissue_plot.R ./DEPICT/example/ldl_teslovic...
to elucidate the underlying biological processes involved in RHD susceptibility.#Aims and Objectives:This study sought to identify tissue types enriched in gene-set analyses associated with RHD GWAS susceptibility data in Africans.#Methods:A multicenter, ethnically matched case-control GWAS was performed...
Investigate the results which have been written to your analysis folder. See theWikifor details on the output format Associated loci in file ending with_loci.txt Gene prioritization results in file ending with_geneprioritization.txt Gene set enrichment results in file ending with_genesetenrichment.tx...
DEPICT实现基因优化(gene prioritization)、gene set富集分析(geneset enrichment)、组织富集分析(tissue enrichment) 全基因组关联分析除了找到显著的关联位点,我们还可以做基因优化、geneset富集分析、组织富集分析,下面具体讲一讲怎么利用GWAS的summary数据做这个分析。
Those genes with a nominal p-value < 0.05 in the DGE analysis were used to conduct gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) with the clusterProfiler (v4.7.1.002) R package. All p-values were two-sided, and those less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The Benjamini–Hochberg ...