US Department of Labor Issues Guidance on Temporary Pay Reductions And Mandatory Leave Policies for Salaried Exempt EmployeesMichael L. Stevens
.DepartmentofLaborWageandHourDivisionCodeofFederalRegulations29CFRPart 7&8-RulesforDBA/SCAappealsbeforetheARB 525-FLSA(WorkerswithDisabilities) 531-FLSA(Creditfortips,meals,&lodging) 541-FLSA(Exempt-Salariedemployees) 778-FLSA(Overtime) 785-FLSA(HoursWorked)U.S.DepartmentofLaborWageandHourDivisionLabor...
The regulations change the rules employers must use when determining which employees are exempt from the overtime requirements because the employees are salaried white collar, executive, professional ...
The claim raised is simple-that loan officers should be classified as non-exempt employees, and paid minimum wage and overtime, rather than commissioned or salaried exempt employees. These cases ultimately are resolved for pennies or for millions, depending on whether the lawyer can get courts to...