Dendritic Cells In 1973, Steinman described a rareperipheral blood cellwith membrane dendrites similar to a neuron. Other studies demonstrated that thedendritic cell(DC) is a “professional” antigen-producing cell present in lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues. Dendritic cell precursors arise in bone mar...
Morphologically, observed by light microscope, these cells were large with oval or irregularly shaped nuclei and with many small dendrites. Phenotypically, FACS analysis showed that they expressed high levels of Ia, DEC-205, CD11b, CD80 and CD86 antigen, moderate levels of CD40, and negative for...
46 However, because the impregnation process is random, the cells reconstructed in this study are likely to be representative of the neuronal populations of interest. This interpretation is supported by our finding of a 9% to 12% decrease in mean somal size of layer 3 pyramidal neurons in the...
Pyramidal cells from the CA1 region were then individually injected with LY (8% in 0.1 M Tris buffer, pH 7.4). LY was applied to each injected cell by continuous current until the distal tips of each cell fluoresced brightly, indicating that the dendrites were completely filled and ensuring...
The dendrites of both types of cell were decorated with spines and a few long axon-like processes. The pyriform cells were found more frequently in smaller retinas than in larger retinas, suggesting that the former may migrate proximally during retinal growth. The dendritic field sizes of these ...
Many experiments suggest that long-term information associated with neuronal memory resides collectively in dendritic spines. However, spines can have a limited size due to metabolic and neuroanatomical constraints, which should effectively limit the amo
Interaction with T cells Summary References Introduction The most efficient antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are mature, immunologically competent dendritic cells (DCs).1-7 DCs are capable of evolving from immature, antigen-capturing cells to mature, antigen-presenting, T cell-priming cells; converting...
i Quantification of spine density in basal (WT: n = 48 cells/5 mice, KO: n = 50 cells/5 mice) and apical (WT: n = 47 cells/5 mice, KO: n = 48 cells/5 mice) dendrites of CA1 neurons in control (WT) and Camk2α-Cretg/wt;Ryr2fl/fl mice (KO). Data ...
18. Histological examinations have shown that the relative proportion of glial cells within a fixed volume of cortex is relatively small compared to other components38,39. The influence of their processes on the diffusion signal can thus be regarded as negligible. As a consequence, the diffusion ...
Ficolized-cells or cells derived from elutriation are set for the adherence for 2 h in CellGro, added up with GM-CSF (1000-2500 U/mL) and IL-4 (400-1000 U/mL). Afterwards, the non-adherent cells are discarded with the supernatant and the adherent...