提问:戴尔笔记本自检出现Error code 2000-0511 - 回答:你好!提示这个表示风扇有问题,你查看笔记本里面的风扇是否有转动
dell g3 3590 Error code 2000-0511 只看楼主 收藏 回复多行不E 初级粉丝 1 如图 已经换了新的内存条和风扇 仍会出现这个界面 怎么处理啊大神们 白羊11sfsdf 初级粉丝 1 风扇是不是没插好 dyxzz0 高级粉丝 3 解决了么兄弟 召唤师小蘑菇 铁杆会员 9 那个微信的小程序爱一修,在线弄电脑问题...
Dell XPS L322x :: Error Code 2000-0511 (100696) - Fan Always On Feb 5, 2015 This morning the fan on my XPS13 L322x came on and now won't turn off.I ran the diagnostics and the fan test failed;Error Code = 2000-0511, Validation 100696During the test I noted these tempsCPU = ...
PSA and ePSA Diagnostics error codes NOTE: For information about the event and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, go to qrl.dell.com > Look Up > Error Code, type the error code, and then click Look it up. Running diagnostics 19 Table...
Aan de slag met uw Dell computer Inspiron 3593 installatie, specificaties en servicehandleiding Uw servicetag en express-servicecode vinden Inspiron 3593 drivers en downloads Garantie en supportservicesCauseZie de uit te vouwen sectie hieronder voor hulp bij problemen met bijvoorbeeld bekabel...
PSA Н/ДePSA 2000-0114 CPU [d] (ID 0x[X]) data error at address [p]. Expected [X], but found [X]. Притестированиипроизошлаошибка, котораяможетуказыва...
error codes19 在 Windows 操作系统中使用 WinDbg 调试 mini crash dump 文件36 4 硬件问题故障排除 41 排查系统启动故障41 未找到可引导设备41 外部连接故障排除 42 视频子系统故障排除42 USB 设备故障排除42 iDRAC Direct 故障排除 - USB XML 配置 43 iDRAC Direct 故障排除 - 笔记本电脑连接43 串行输入/输出...
"Code": null, "Message": null, "Type": null }} 4. 浏览器看到后,会使用当时的端口继续发送请求。 下面是agent暴露的一些方法: ·clientservice_getdevicedrivers – 获取可用更新 ·diagnosticsservice_executetip – 获取guid并提供给PC Doctor服务(Dell Hardware Support) ...
For information about the event and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, see the Error Code Lookup page, at qrl.dell.com iDRAC Quick Sync 2 indicator codes NOTE: iDRAC Quick Sync 2 module (optional) is located on the left control panel ...