提问:戴尔笔记本自检出现Error code 2000-0511 - 回答:你好!提示这个表示风扇有问题,你查看笔记本里面的风扇是否有转动
dell g3 3590 Error code 2000-0511 只看楼主 收藏 回复多行不E 初级粉丝 1 如图 已经换了新的内存条和风扇 仍会出现这个界面 怎么处理啊大神们 白羊11sfsdf 初级粉丝 1 风扇是不是没插好 dyxzz0 高级粉丝 3 解决了么兄弟 召唤师小蘑菇 铁杆会员 9 那个微信的小程序爱一修,在线弄电脑问题...
Precision 7920 Tower Fans Error Message after Sleep Cycle Precision Tower Memory Fans ePSA Error Codes 2000-0511 or 2000-0712 Affected Products 5820 XL Tower, 7820 XL Tower, 7920 XL Tower, Precision 5820 Tower, Precision 7820 Tower, Precision 7920 Tower Related...
Dell Precision 3630タワー型ワークステーション システムの起動中にポップアップ アラート メッセージ「Alert! Front fan failure」が表示されることがあります。ePSA診断テストを実行すると、エラー コード2000:0511が表示されて失敗する場合があります。 ...
5 如果失败问题依然存在, 请联系戴尔技术支持 28 运行诊断程序 错误编号(PSA 和 ePSA) PSA NA ePSA 2000-0511 PSA NA ePSA 2000-0512 PSA NA ePSA 2000-0620 PSA NA ePSA 2000-0621 PSA NA ePSA 2000-8001 PSA NA ePSA 2000-8002 PSA NA ePSA 2000-8003 PSA NA ePSA 2000-8004 PSA NA ePSA 2000-...
PSA NA ePSA 2000-0131 Battery - the battery is not installed An error occurred during the tests that may involve the main system board or battery of the system. 1 2 3 4 Turn off the system and reseat the system battery. Update to the latest BIOS version. Repeat the PSA diagnostics. ...
3 If failure continues, contact Dell Technical Support PSA NA CPU - Cache integrity test An error occurred during the 1 Update to the latest BIOS discrepancy tests that may involve the version. ePSA 2000-0114 system board. 2 Repeat the PSA diagnostics. 3 Check temperatures in system health ...
After booting from the DVD, setup stopped halfway through giving me this '0x00000e9' error code. I subsequently ran the dell diagnostics. Which gave me this : Hard Drive - DST Test Results : Fail Error code 2000-0142 Msg : hard drive 1 - Self test unsuccessful. Status : 70View...
Dell戴尔Event and Error Message Reference Guide for 13th Generation Dell PowerEdge Servers Version 1.1 说明书 用户手册.pdf,Event and Error Message Reference Guide for 13th Generation Dell PowerEdge Servers Version 1.1 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings NOTE: