DELL Error Code 2000-0151=Optical Drive (d): - Incorrect status: (x) (s)建议先把硬盘和光驱拔下来,再重新插回硬盘(光驱不用)试试,也可以找另一个硬盘试一下,如果问题还在,那到售后维修吧,主板出问题
In this section, we will show you how to keep data safe when you encounter the Dell error code 2000-0151. To get your data off from the Dell computer with the error code 2000-0151, we will show you two different situations: the computer is bootable or the computer is unbootable. We ...
您好开机时出现disk error press any key to res tart 无法进入系统 最大的可能是硬盘出现坏道或已完全损坏。你可以用含有硬盘检测及修复功能的工具光盘对硬盘进行一下检测,如果确实有坏道出现,可以尝试对坏道进行一下修复,看问题能否解决。
Msg: Error Cod 2000-0141 Msg: Hard Drive – no drive detected …” Tips: In addition to 2000-0141, you may run into other custom error codes on Dell like 2000-0151,2000-0146, 2000-0145, etc. when starting the PC. This error means that your PC cannot detect the hard drive. No har...
运行诊断程序 21 错误编号(PSA 和 ePSA) PSA 1000-0146 ePSA 2000-0146 PSA 1000-0147 ePSA 2000-0147 PSA 1000-0148 ePSA 2000-0148 被 2000-0151,2000-0152 替代 PSA NA ePSA 2000-0149 PSA NA ePSA 2000-0150 已替换 2000-0141 PSA NA ePSA 2000-0151 错误消息 说明 步骤 2 如果是台式机,则重置...
PSA 不適用ePSA 2000-0151 硬碟- 狀態不正確 = [x] [s] SMART 預測性故障表示硬碟的 SMART 故障。檢查 硬碟是否有韌體更新。若有韌體,請更新。如果是可攜式磁碟機,請將其重新裝回,如果是桌上型電腦,請重...
Running diagnostics 23 Error number (PSA and ePSA) Error message Description Steps 3 Repeat the PSA diagnostics. PSA 1000-0148 ePSA 2000-0148 replaced by 2000-0151, 2000-0152 PSA Optical Drive - BIST --(s) ePSA Optical Drive - incorrect status Your CD or DVD drive has indicated a failure...
DST Log contains previous error(s).PSA 1000-0147 PSA+ 2000-0147 Unit (x): IDE status failed....
ePSA 2000-0114 system board. 2 Repeat the PSA diagnostics. 3 Check temperatures in system health and check that no airlow obstructed. 4 If failure continues, contact Dell Technical Support PSA NA CPU - Stress Thermal condition. An error occurred during the 1 Update to the latest BIOS Limit ...