,其次建议你去较正规的戴尔中国大陆地区维修服务网点去检修看看,不是专业人员的误操作是有可能损坏电脑的,就近戴尔中国大陆地区维修服务网点可以到下面网址网页查找 ...
However, since the Dell hard drive error code 2000-0151 indicates your hard drive is near to the end of its life or has failed, hence, before proceeding on the solutions, you need to back up data from the system if it is booting up or recover data from the failed hard drive. How to...
运行诊断程序 21 Error number (PSA and ePSA) Error message Description Steps good drive can be detected in 5 If failure continues, contact the system or try the suspect Technical Support drive in a working system. PSA 1000-0142 PSA Hard Drive - drive self test Your hard disk drive has 1 ...
NOTE: Status LED indicators are always off and only turn solid amber if any error occurs. Table 2. Status LED indicators Icon Description Condition Corrective action Hard drive indicator The indicator turns solid amber if there is a hard drive error. Check the System Event Log to determine if...
DELL Error Code 2000-0151=Optical Drive (d): - Incorrect status: (x) (s)建议先把硬盘和光驱拔下来,再重新插回硬盘(光驱不用)试试,也可以找另一个硬盘试一下,如果问题还在,那到售后维修吧,主板出问题
Command Prompt which is a Windows built-in helps to fix hard drive-related errors just like the 2000-0151 dell hdd error code. Follow the steps below to fix dell hard drive error code 2000-0151 using the command prompt method:Step 1: Firstly, make an installation disc through the use of...
If you’ve lost the hard drive’s data due to BitLocker encryption, stop using your computer immediately and look for a powerful data recovery tool to retrieve it. Get a reputable software with a high success rate to get back your lost data. ...
NOTE: Status LED indicators are always off and only turn solid amber if any error occurs. Table 2. Status LED indicators Icon Description Condition Corrective action Hard drive indicator The indicator turns solid amber if there is a hard drive error. Check the System Event Log to determine if...