Command Prompt which is a Windows built-in helps to fix hard drive-related errors just like the 2000-0151 dell hdd error code. Follow the steps below to fix dell hard drive error code 2000-0151 using the command prompt method:Step 1: Firstly, make an installation disc through the use of...
Although the Dell error code 0151 is not a frequent issue, it might appear for a few reasons. Dell error code 2000-0151 may be caused by the misconfigured system files that create registry errors within your OS or an outdated hard drive. The Dell error code 2000-0151 often indicates that ...
DELL Error Code 2000-0151=Optical Drive (d): - Incorrect status: (x) (s)建议先把硬盘和光驱拔下来,再重新插回硬盘(光驱不用)试试,也可以找另一个硬盘试一下,如果问题还在,那到售后维修吧,主板出问题
error codes19 在 Windows 操作系统中使用 WinDbg 调试 mini crash dump 文件36 4 硬件问题故障排除 41 排查系统启动故障41 未找到可引导设备41 外部连接故障排除 42 视频子系统故障排除42 USB 设备故障排除42 iDRAC Direct 故障排除 - USB XML 配置 43 iDRAC Direct 故障排除 - 笔记本电脑连接43 串行输入/输出...
For information about the event and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, see the Error Code Lookup page, at iDRAC Quick Sync 2 indicator codes NOTE: iDRAC Quick Sync 2 module (optional) is located on the left control panel ...
000Bh Yes CMOS Memory Size Error Remove AC power to the system for 10 seconds and restart the system. If the problem persists, see Getting Help on page 143. About Your System 23 Code Log in BMC Cause Corrective Actions 000Ch Yes RAM Read/Write Test Error Remove AC power to the system...
Code Log in iBMC Error Message Corrective Action 28 About Your System 0150 Yes Processor failed BIST Remove AC power to the system for 10 seconds and restart the system. If the problem persists, see "Getting Help" on page 131. 0151 Yes ...
正常使用中突然蓝屏重启。我见过 page not found 等多种 error code. 疑似 win10 与硬盘/CPU 兼容性...
3. Note down the error code. The following table describes the PSA/ePSA diagnostics error messages. PSA and ePSA Diagnostics error codes NOTE: For information about the event and error messages generated by the system firmware and agents that monitor system components, go to > ...