feedback inhibition Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to feedback inhibition:Allosteric regulation n. A cellular control mechanism in which an enzyme that catalyzes the production of a particular substance in the cell is inhibited when that substance has accum...
The meaning of FEEDBACK is the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process to the original or controlling source; also : the information so transmitted. How to use feedback in a sentence.
Feedback Inhibition Example Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What happens in feedback inhibition? During feedback inhibition, a product from a biochemical pathway is used to prevent the pathway from continuing. Often, the product binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme, preventing the ...
Define feedback. feedback synonyms, feedback pronunciation, feedback translation, English dictionary definition of feedback. n. 1. a. The return of a portion of the output of a process or system to the input, especially when used to maintain performance
The meaning of INHIBITION is an inner impediment to free activity, expression, or functioning. How to use inhibition in a sentence.
The feedback mechanism is the physiological regulatory system in a living body that works to return the body to the normal internal state or homeostasis.
Feedback, in biology, a response within a system (molecule, cell, organism, or population) that influences the continued activity or productivity of that system. In essence, it is the control of a biological reaction by the end products of that reaction.
n. agreement to do something or to allow something to happen only after all the relevant facts are known. In contracts, an agreement may be reached only if there has been full disclosure by both parties of everything each party knows which is significant to the agreement. A patient's conse...
this test stimulus is in accordance with previous studies showing a range of test stimuli between 0.2 mV and 4mV66,67. We also measured short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) using a paired-pulse TMS paradigm (see Brain Stimulation Intervention section below for details on the TMS pa...
Temporary neural inhibition.In this method, scientists use transcranial magnetic stimulation to excite or depress regions of the human brain. For example, scientists have temporarily inhibited the section of the brain that handles fear and disgust reactions to enable subjects to be less reactive to in...