RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromVector (biology)) Wikipedia vector [vek´tor] 1.a carrier, especially the animal (usually an arthropod) that transfers an infective agent from one host to another. Examples are the mosquito that...
2.vector- a straight line segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction straight line- a line traced by a point traveling in a constant direction; a line of zero curvature; "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line" ...
vector inBiology topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English vec‧tor/ˈvektə$-ər/noun[countable]technical1aquantitysuch as force that has adirectionas well assize2aninsector animal that passesdiseasefrom one person to anotherSYNcarrierMosquitoes are feared as vectors of malaria.3in...
Vector Definition in Biology and Medicine In the biological sciences, the term vector refers to an organism that transmits a disease, parasite, or genetic information from one species to another. Examples: Mosquitoes are a vector of malaria. A virus may be used as a vector to insert genes in...
In micro and molecular biology, a vector is a method of transportation or it may serve as an agent that transports a piece of genetic material into a cell or organism. There are four (4) major types of molecular vectors, each helping with a different sector of the duplication process: ...
297(机器学习理论篇6)38 Support Vector Machines1 - 1 12:53 298(机器学习理论篇6)38 Support Vector Machines1 - 2 12:54 299(机器学习理论篇6)38 Support Vector Machines1 - 3 12:55 300(机器学习理论篇6)39 Support Vector Machines2 - 1 11:49 301(机器学习理论篇6)39 Support Vector Machines2...
Related to biologic vector:mechanical vector bi·o·log·ic (bī′ə-lŏj′ĭk) n. A preparation that is synthesized from living organisms or their products, especially a human or animal protein, such as a hormone or antitoxin, that is used as a diagnostic, preventive, or therapeutic ag...
VectorMine / Getty Images There are threetissue systems in plants: epidermis, ground tissue, and vascular tissue. Alternatively, plant tissues may be categorized as either meristematic or permanent. Epidermis The epidermis consist of cells that coat the outer surface of leaves and the bodies of you...
He has a Masters in Education, and a Bachelors in Physics.Cite this lesson The resultant vector is the sum of two or more vectors. Learn more about the resultant of a vector, explore components and resultants of vectors, and check out examples of calculations. ...
Vector definition: a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude.. See examples of VECTOR used in a sent