This was an unplanned subset analysis, so we have to take this with a big grain of salt. However, we were impressed that both complete response and non-complete response patients benefited. We need to see if this will translate into long-term control of the disease. Now, we need to have...
god of wine i am fine keep in line kept in line love of wine make a brine make a fine male engyne monkey-shine more in line most of mine next in line pay a fine put in line same as mine sip of wine stand in line stay in line stock of wine take a shine turn out fine turns...
t.) To dig or take from a quarry; as, to quarry marble. Quarry-faced (a.) Having a face left as it comes from the quarry and not smoothed with the chisel or point; -- said of stones. Quarrymen (pl. ) of Quarry-man Quarry-man (n.) A man who is engaged in quarrying stones...
Defend and Promote About the Study Authors The report Define, Defend & Promote: The Need to Differentiate Short Sea Shipping from International Shipping in the Application and Development of IMO Conventions and National Regulations and Policies was commissioned and produced in collaboration with CSL Grou...
Ocean (n.) The whole body of salt water which covers more than three fifths of the surface of the globe; -- called also the sea, or great sea. Ocean (n.) One of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is regarded as divided, as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic...