For the present in silico investigation, computational tools were applied to each pathogenic TUBA4A mutant to predict changes at the atomic level that could impact interactions within the α subunit, at the dimerization interface between α and β tubulin chains, or within the GTP-binding pocket. ...
In each panel, the top image always shows the immunoblot with antibody against the V5 Tag or the endogenous protein (denoted in the top right corner). The bottom image always shows tubulin, which was blotted from same gel and serves as a loading control. Regions cropped for presentation in ...
All ChIP-seq experiments for PRC1 components were done using an HA antibody in 293T-REx cells expressing NFH-PRC1 components or endogenous antibodies in 293T-REx cells stably transfected with a control vector. The procedure is described in detail in Supplemental Information. Lentiviral shRNAs Packa...
or anti-pSer1292-LRRK2 (clone MJFR-19-7-8; Abcam) at 1:500 ratio overnight in 1% BSA in TBST (3% BSA in TBST was used for anti-pSer1292-LRRK2). For the secondary antibody visualization, Goat anti-Rabbit Alexa-Fluor 800 nm (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used to bind the ...
(IP) from flow-sorted GFP+cells validated by immunoblot with anti-EPRS1 antibody.dRT-qPCR of viral RNAs from EPRS1-IP, expressed as fold-change compared to IgG-IP.ACTB; β-actin. Data are presented as mean values ± SD,n = 3 independent flow-sorting experiments;pvalues from ...
Samples were stained with a second T-cell characterization panel in the same manner. This included the sequential staining of FFPE tissue sections with the primary mouse antibody for EOMES (Thermo Scientific Fisher, RRID:AB_2572882; 1:400) visualized with Opal620 TSA, the primary mouse antibody ...
and then incubated overnight at 4 °C in a 1% milk solution containing mouse monoclonal anti-alpha 1 antitrypsin (SERPINA1) antibody (1:1000, ab9400, Abcam), mouse monoclonal anti-ceruloplasmin antibody (1:1000, ab51083, Abcam), and rabbit monoclonal anti-beta-2-microglobulin antibody (1:10...
A Angiogenic and immunosuppressive factors detected by antibody assay. POS positive control, NEG negative control, ANG angiogenin, EGF epidermal growth factor, CXCL5 C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 5, FGF-2 fibroblast growth factor-2, GRO growth-related oncogene, IFN-γ interferon gamma, IGF insulin...
This transitional middle phase may provide a unique clinical opportunity, yet the underlying biology remains largely unexplored. Cancer cells accumulate genetic and epigenetic changes during metastatic progression. At the level of the enhancer epigenome, these pro-metastatic changes have been characterized ...
a, Bright-field images of organoids cultured for 0, 3, or 5 days alone (no stromal cells), or co-cultured with MRISCs or with non-MRISC stromal cells in the absence (−) or presence (+) of R-spondin 1 or anti-R-spondin 1 antibody (Ab). Results are representative of three ind...