[1]: lDo you want to use gradient clipping? [yes/No]: NoDo you want to enable 'deepspeed. zero. init' when using ZeR0 Stage 3 for constructing massive models? [yes/No]: NoDo you want to enable Mixture of-Experts training (MoE)? [ves/No]:How many cPu(s) should be used for dis...
通过使用ZeRO Stage1将优化器状态在八个数据并行 rank 之间进行切分,每个设备的内存消耗可以降低到2.25GB,从而使得模型可训练。为了启用ZeRO Stage1,我们只需要更新DeepSpeed JSON配置文件如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 { "zero_optimization": { "stage": 1, "reduce_bucket_size": 5e8 } } 如上所示,我们...
要为DeepSpeed模型启用ZeRO优化,我们只需要将zero_optimization键添加到DeepSpeed JSON配置中。有关zero_optimization键的配置的完整描述,请参见此处(https://www.deepspeed.ai/docs/config-json/#zero-optimizations-for-fp16-training)。 训练一个1.5B参数的GPT2模型 我们通过展示ZeROStage 1的优点来演示它使得在八个...
要为DeepSpeed模型启用ZeRO优化,我们只需要将zero_optimization键添加到DeepSpeed JSON配置中。有关zero_optimization键的配置的完整描述,请参见此处(https://www.deepspeed.ai/docs/config-json/#zero-optimizations-for-fp16-training)。 训练一个1.5B参数的GPT2模型 我们通过展示ZeROStage 1的优点来演示它使得在八个...
使用deepspeed.zero.init: config = LlamaConfig.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path) with deepspeed.zero.Init(): model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config, trust_remote_code=True) CPU OOM的原因在于模型先加载到了CPU(transformers==4.35.0). 直接加载到GPU就可以了。`device_map="auto"`会自动...
3、上述的DP和DDP,通过分布式增加了算力,但缺陷还是很明显的:并未节约显存!所以由此产生了ZeRO技术! (1)预训练时,optimizer占用8倍参数量的显存空间,是最耗费显存的,所以肯定先从这种“大户”下手啦!前面的DP和DDP,每块显卡都保存了完整的optimizer,互相都有冗余,能不能消除这个冗余了?比如集群有3块显卡,每块显卡...
一、deepspeed的核心技术 1. **零冗余优化器(ZeRO)zero技术是deepspeed的重要组成部分,旨在提高显存效率与计算效率。它通过在数据并行进程间划分模型状态参数、梯度、优化器状态,避免数据并行进程间的冗余复制。在训练过程中,动态通信调度在分布式设备间共享状态,保持数据并行的计算粒度与通信量。ZeRO的...
ZeRO + large model training 17B T-NLG demo Fastest BERT training + RScan tuning DeepSpeed hands on deep dive:part 1,part 2,part 3 FAQ Microsoft Research Webinar Registration is free and all videos are available on-demand. ZeRO & Fastest BERT: Increasing the scale and speed of deep learning...
1-bit LAMB: 4.6x communication volume reduction and up to 2.8x end-to-end speedup Performance bottleneck analysis with DeepSpeed Flops Profiler Last month, the DeepSpeed Team announced ZeRO-Infinity, a step forward in training models with tens of trillions of par...
ZeRO + large model training 17B T-NLG demo Fastest BERT training + RScan tuning DeepSpeed hands on deep dive:part 1,part 2,part 3 FAQ Microsoft Research Webinar Registration is free and all videos are available on-demand. ZeRO & Fastest BERT: Increasing the scale and speed of deep learning...