1.Transformer 架构 先放一张网上已经包浆的图(好用好懂才会包浆): Transformer最常见的架构图 接下来我们从下往上,一点点看看图片中每一个元素的含意与作用 Input(prompt): 作为Transformer的输入,这里的prompt 一般是分词之后的内容 Input Embedding: Transformer无法理解文本,他只做矩阵计算,所以,这里必须要有这一...
1.2 降低log级别 当进行通用爬取时,一般您所注意的仅仅是爬取的速率以及遇到的错误。 Scrapy使用 INF...
总结一下,本文主要介绍了LLM基座模型里常见的3种transformer架构,encoder-only,encoder-decoder和decoder-only。提及的模型组件包括 Norm位置3种: Post-Norm,Pre-Norm和Sandwich-Norm Norm方法3种: LayerNorm, DeepNorm和RMSNorm 激活函数3种: GeLU, GeGLU和SwiGLU PE方法6种: Fixed Absolute, Learned Absolute, Fi...
,另一个是T5的论文《Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer》都拼了老命证明Encoder-Decoder架构相比于Decoder-only的优势,但是它们遭人诟病的在于,这两篇论文的模型尺度都还不算大,以及多数的LLM确实都是在做Decoder-only的,所以这个优势能否延续到更大尺度的LLM...
2. Transformer Architecture The fundamental building block of causal decoder-only models is the transformer architecture. Transformers are composedof self-attention mechanisms that enable the model to weigh the importance of different words in the input sentence. Thetransformer architecture also incorporates...
Apart from the various interesting features of this model, one feature that catches the attention is its decoder-only architecture. In fact, not just PaLM, some of the most popular and widely used language models are decoder-only.
Transformer with Attention (v2.py): This script introduces the transformer architecture. You can run this on a MacBook Pro M1 or any comparable device to see how attention improves the model's ability to handle longer contexts. Training will take about 5000 iterations, and you can track how...
A standard Encoder-Decoder architecture. Base for this and many other models. """ def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, src_embed, tgt_embed, generator): super(EncoderDecoder, self).__init__() self.encoder = encoder self.decoder = decoder ...
In the literature, there are three main Transformer variants for NLG: full Transformer, Encoder-Only (only using the encoder part of the Transformer), and Decoder-Only (only using the decoder part). A natural question to ask is: which architecture is the best choice. According to previous ...