De novo RNA-Seq Assembly and Analysis for Non-Model OrganismsMatthew Keyser
2022年,中南大学湘雅医学院周智君教授团队在Mol Med Rep发表了题为"De novo assembly and transcriptome characterization: Novel insights into the mechanisms of primary ovarian cancer in Microtus fortis"的研究论文,该研究利用De novo...
2022年,中南大学湘雅医学院周智君教授团队在Mol Med Rep发表了题为"De novo assembly and transcriptome characterization: Novel insights into the mechanisms of primary ovarian cancer in Microtus fortis "的研究论文,该研究利用De novo转录组组装和RNA-seq揭示了东方田鼠原发性卵巢癌机制的新见解。易基因科技为本...
2022年,中南大学湘雅医学院周智君教授团队在Mol Med Rep发表了题为"De novo assembly and transcriptome characterization: Novel insights into the mechanisms of primary ovarian cancer in Microtus fortis "的研究论文,该研究利用De novo转录组组装和RNA-seq揭示了东方田鼠原发性卵巢癌机制的新见解。易基因科技为本...
2022年,中南大学湘雅医学院周智君教授团队在Mol Med Rep发表了题为"De novo assembly and transcriptome characterization: Novel insights into the mechanisms of primary ovarian cancer in Microtus fortis"的研究论文,该研究利用De novo转录组组装和RNA-seq揭示了东方田鼠原发性卵巢癌机制的新见解。易基因科技为本研...
Jang-il Sohn, Jin-Wu Nam. The present and future of de novo whole-genome assembly 不同软件的组装结果差别可能很大,跟物种的基因组复杂度也有关系。所以有条件的话,最好选择几个软件,选择其中最好的结果,尤其是大基因组。最经典或使用频率最高的莫过于Allpaths-LG和SOAPdenovo。
近日,由广东省农业科学院作物研究所梁炫强研究员、陈小平博士,山东省农业科学院花生研究所所长禹山林研究员及国际半干旱热带作物研究所(ICRISAT)基因组中心负责人Rajeev Kumar Varshney等完成的花生转录组de novo测序的结果发表于Plant Biotechnology Journal。该杂志创刊于2003年,影响因子5.44,是专注于应用植物科学的期刊。
De novo RNA-Seq assembly facilitates the study of transcriptomes for species without sequenced genomes, but it is challenging to select the most accurate assembly in this context. To address this challenge, we developed a model-based score, RSEM-EVAL, fo
non-availability of genomic resources hinders its research at the molecular level. We have analyzed theS. trilobatumleaf transcriptome using high throughput RNA sequencing. Thede novoassembly of 136,220,612 reads produced 128,934 non-redundant unigenes with N50 value of 1347 bp. Annotation of ...
所以insertion size小,测序的genome coverage高,但是在进行de novo assembly的时候,有一个问题,如果基因组含有比read length还要长的重复元件时,就无法拼接,所以得到的是很多的contigs,它们之间的gap要长于insertion size且无法确定。这个问题是相当普遍的,即使是相对简单的ecoli基因组,也有一定数量的重复元件。