器件型号:AM5726 您好、专家、 客户对 AM5726的 DDR3 CKE 有一些疑问。 我们可以看到、在 AM5726上、CKE 始终为0 (低电平)、当从 CPU 或 DSP 进行数据访问时、它会传输到1 (高...
53704 - MIG 7 Series DDR3 - Incorrect generation of single rank designs that include multiple sets of ODT, CS, and CKE Description Version Found: 1.8Version Resolved: See (Xilinx Answer 45195) When generating a single rank design in MIG 7 Series v1.8, the generated design incorrectly includes...
45633 - Design Advisory for 7 Series MIG DDR3/DDR2 - Updated pin placement rules for CKE and ODT; existing UCFs must be verified Description All existing 7 Series MIG DDR3 or DDR2 designs need to be evaluated based on new MIG pin-out rules for the CKE and ODT signals.Previously, there...
45633 - Design Advisory for 7 Series MIG DDR3/DDR2 - Updated pin placement rules for CKE and ODT; existing UCFs must be verified Description All existing 7 Series MIG DDR3 or DDR2 designs need to be evaluated based on new MIG pin-out rules for the CKE and ODT signals.Previously, there...