器件型号:AM625 客户对 DDR 接口有疑问。 作为他们选择的 DDR 存储器的一部分、CKE 引脚需要保持低电平。 他们计划在关闭 DDR 内核电源之前将 AM625置于复位状态。 如果 DDR 接口在复位状态下...
Part Number:AM625 Customer have a question regarding the DDR interface. As part of the DDR memory they have chosen, the CKE pin is required to be held low. They plan to put the AM625 in the reset state before power down the DDR core. They could not find in the spec if the DDR...
器件型号:AM5726 您好、专家、 客户对 AM5726的 DDR3 CKE 有一些疑问。 我们可以看到、在 AM5726上、CKE 始终为0 (低电平)、当从 CPU 或 DSP 进行数据访问时、它会传输到1 (高电平)。 在先前的芯片上、如 DRA62x、CKE 线始终为高电平。 我们是否可以像 DRA62x 一样修改寄存器来控制 CKE ...
先进64MB低功耗DDR SDRAM掉电该器件进入省电模式,当CKE低,而且它退出时, CKE高。一,RMLD232UAW-7E PDF技术资料1第23页,RMLD232UAW-7EPDF资料信息,采购RMLD232UAW-7E,就上51电子网。
53704 - MIG 7 Series DDR3 - Incorrect generation of single rank designs that include multiple sets of ODT, CS, and CKE Description Version Found: 1.8Version Resolved: See (Xilinx Answer 45195) When generating a single rank design in MIG 7 Series v1.8, the generated design incorrectly includes...
The status of PLL (locked or not locked) for DDR controller? IOW, we want to know the possible conditions where CKE pin is never asserted, even though we initialized the register for DDR controller. Thanks, Norihiro MichigamiAVNET Solved! Go to Solution. Labels: VF5xx 2...
先进64MB低功耗DDR SDRAM多行交错WRITE ( @ BL = 4 )CKCKCKECSR,RMLD232UAW-7E PDF技术资料1第40页,RMLD232UAW-7EPDF资料信息,采购RMLD232UAW-7E,就上51电子网。
45633 - Design Advisory for 7 Series MIG DDR3/DDR2 - Updated pin placement rules for CKE and ODT; existing UCFs must be verified Description All existing 7 Series MIG DDR3 or DDR2 designs need to be evaluated based on new MIG pin-out rules for the CKE and ODT signals.Previously, there...
All existing 7 Series MIG DDR3 or DDR2 designs need to be evaluated based on new MIG pin-out rules for the CKE and ODT signals.Previously, there were very few restrictions on the placement of these two signals.However, recently completed analysis shows possible timing issues (setup and hold...
Trying to complete schematics of a minimum i.MX 8M Mini/Nano design together with an Xilinx Artix7. Unfortunately, I have never worked with DDRx