薄膜课件溅射5 二、溅射镀膜(sputteringdeposition)2014-10-14 溅射镀膜:是指在真空室中,利用荷能粒子轰击靶材表面,使被轰击 出的粒子在基片上沉积的技术。1.工艺原理 中南大学物理学院 1/64 2014-10-14 溅射:荷能粒子轰击固体表面,当表面原子获得足够大的动能而脱离固 体表面,从而产生表面原子的溅射。溅射...
仪器分析原子吸收光谱分析 第1页,本讲稿共55页 二、原子吸收光谱分析的常规模式 特点:测定的是特定谱线的吸收(由于原子吸收线的数量大大少于原子发射线)所以谱线重叠几率小,光谱干扰少。在实验条件下,基态原子数目大大高于激发态原子数目,因此吸收法灵敏度比较高。第2页,本讲稿共55页 第3页,本讲稿共55页 C...
coatings Article Correlation Between Stoichiometry of NbxNy Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering with Electrical Conductivity and the Hall Coefficient Angélica Garzon-Fontecha 1, Harvi A. Castillo 2, Daniel Escobar-Rincón 3 , Elisabeth Restrepo-Parra 3,* and Wencel de la Cruz 2 1 Centro ...
Deposition of SiOx Thin Films by Pulsed DC Magnetron Sputtering Traditionally, DC reactive magnetron sputtering can be separated into three different modes, namely (I) the metallic, (II) the transition and (III) the compound (or reactive) mode. These operation 'regimes' are a function of the ...
Generation of RF plasma assisted high power pulsed sputtering glow discharge without using a magnetic field High power pulsed sputtering plasma is an emerging technology used to modify the surfaces of industrial components and biomedical parts. The characteristic... K Yukimura,AP Ehiasarian - 《Nuclear...
(c) The thickness of semi-porous sub-layers depends on the PEO treatment voltage; the thickest second and third sub-layers appear to set up at high voltages and they decrease with PEO voltage decreasing; (d) The transition sub-layers have thickness corresponding to a sputtering time of about...
CMOS 制造工艺流程简介 • We will describe a modern CMOS process flow. • Process described here requires 16 masks and > 100 process steps. 1 第第二二章章 CMOSCMOS 制制备备基基本本流流 程程 Stages of IC Fabrication 2 • In the simplest CMOS technologies, we need to realize simply ...
气相法 液相法高能球磨法(也可以认为是固相法)纳米微粒的制备 气相法是指制备纳米微粒的原料为气态物质,或者在制备过程中存在气态的中间产物。气相法主要有物理气相沉积(PVD)法和化学气相沉积(CVD)法两大类。物理气相沉积法是利用电弧、高频电场或等离子体等高温热源将原料加热使之气化...