Jena知识存储及SPARQL知识检索》中讲到如何将处理后的RDF数据存储至Apache Jena数据库之中、如何利用SPARQL...
I had a little trouble working out how to create my own SPARQL queries against DBpedia data. I finally managed to do it, so I thought I'd describe here how I successfully implemented my first use case. Instead of a "Hello World" example, I went with more of an "I will not ...
For new questions they have to decide which datasets are suitable and in which terminology and modelling style to phrase the SPARQL query. In this work we present an evolutionary algorithm to help with this challenging task. Given a training list of source-target node-pair examples our algorithm...
The SPARQL endpoint atlocalhost:3000/sparqlallows to run queries directly. Use this query to retrieve all links available on a Databus. The link you uploaded in the previous step should be in the result. See more examples of the SPARQL queries inexamples. ...
dbpedia.sparqlEndpoint: SPARQL endpoint to send requests to ontology.file: Path to DBpedia ontology; this has to be replaced upon DBpedia update window.maxWindowLimit: Maximum value of the windowing query parameter prefixes.file: Path to the file containing namespace prefixes ...
DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data.pdf,DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data 1,3 2 2 1 S¨oren Auer , Christian Bizer , Georgi Kobilarov , Jens Lehmann , Richard Cyganiak2 , and Zachary Ives3 1 Universit¨at Leipzig, Department of Computer Sc
Use SPARQL via Ruby RDFs great sparql-client to query DbpediaInstallationSimply add it to your Gemfile:gem "dbpedia" gem "sparql-client" # if you want to use sparql ExamplesSearch by keyword and prefix (notice their different results)#...
.org/ns/prov#> PREFIX dataid: <> PREFIX dataiddebug: <> PREFIX dcat: <> # group_concat see: ...
We use the following query as selection for this example and write it to the filetest.sparql: echo "PREFIX dcat: <> PREFIX databus: <> SELECT ?file WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?dataset databus:artifact <https://dev.databus....
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