CrossFitBarbell:杠铃杆DB=Dumbbell :哑铃Row:划船Ski :滑雪Bike :风阻单车Band:阻力带Plate:杠铃片KB=kettlebell:壶铃AB mat:腹肌垫MB=medicine ball:药球Bar:杠铃杆或者单杠GHD=Glute ham developer:腰背综合训练器WOD=Workout of the day:每天训练计划Rep=repetition:指的是训练动作的个数,例如1rep air squat,...
1324 4 0:27 App Wall Facing Air Squat/面墙空蹲 498 1 0:12 App Cuban Rotation+Raise/古巴旋转+上举 3310 -- 0:31 App 中低强度训练真的舒服 942 3 3:53 App 第1期 视频动作技术答疑 973 -- 0:12 App Ski erg/滑雪机 385 -- 0:08 App Small Plate Rotation/小片转体 640 --...
Hang Squat Snatch 2-2-2-2 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets. BTWB 5 RFT: Run, Alternating DB Snatches and Alternating Reverse DB Goblet Lunges 5 rounds for time of: Run 200m 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, pick load 10 A...
1月19日 13:20 来自crossfit超话 年前周末快乐举重最后一节课了,也算颤颤巍巍破PR了。 crossfit超话 37kg overhead squat34kg hang squat snatch✅ L大洋小亨咧的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 c +关注 我的日日是好日 1月18日 15:14 来自crossfit超话 #...
深蹲机健身房商用训练器双向腿部肌肉训练器 POWER SQUAT GYM 定州海锐体育用品有限公司 9年 回头率: 10% 河北 定州市 ¥8.70 跨境亚马逊硅胶健身握力器手指锻炼器举重防滑Gym Grips Fingerle 佛山市佳时电子有限公司 10年 回头率: 30.1% 广东 佛山市禅城区 ¥...
The article discusses the public opposition to the CrossFit Gyms' max-out-and-do-it-again training regimen as of January 2014, focusing on analyses of the people who sign up for extreme exercise programs and events such as marathons and triathlons. According to the article, several health ...
The 10 seconds squat rep #恶魔推举 图️1哑铃放在地上,胸触地在哑铃之间。 图️2从哑铃俯卧撑到跳脚相扑姿势,膝盖和手臂完全伸展,身体在哑铃上方。 图️3拉起哑铃,做一个“哑铃摇摆”预备姿态。 图️4伸髋发力,手臂打直,让哑铃摇摆上升。
CROSSFIT TRAININGS AS AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH TO PREVENT THE PERFORMANCE LOSS DURING THE REST OF THE END OF SEASON IN ELITE WRESTLERS (aerobic capacity), bench press and squat (maximal dynamic strength), leg and handgrip strength (isometric strength), pull-up and push-up (strength ... S Z...
The article discusses the public opposition to the CrossFit Gyms' max-out-and-do-it-again training regimen as of January 2014, focusing on analyses of the people who sign up for extreme exercise programs and events such as marathons and triathlons. According to the article, several health ...
Smith puts his body required by the CrossFit, such as squatting, lifting his arms overhead, hanging and carrying heavy objects.EasterMichaelEBSCO_AspMens Health