动作1 DB Alternating Front Raise with Static Hlod 训练10次动作2 Arnold Press Variation 训练8次动作3 DB Lateral Raise 训练10次动作4 DB Front Raise 训练10-12次动作5 Seated Bent over Rear Delt Raise 训练15次动作6 DB Shoulder Circle 训练12次训练4组...
杠铃负重举踵:Barbell calf raise 站立单腿举踵:Standing one-leg calf raise with dumbbell 俯立举踵:Bent-over calf raise (with weight) 坐姿举踵:Seated calf raise 腹部/ abs 搁腿仰卧弯起:Crunch 仰卧弯起:Sit-up 上斜坐好屈体:Incline sit...
(DB) Lateral Raise And Squeeze Up!! 2015-05-13 00:10 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! Wall Handstand Pushup!! 2015-05-12 00:17 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! (BB) Bentover Rows!! 2015-05-11 00:20 跟我一起流一點汗吧!! Cables Kneeling Reverse Flies! 2015-05-01 00:16 跟我一起流一點汗吧!!
Bent over lateral raise俯身飞鸟 Side laterals raises站姿侧平举 Upright rows立正划船 Dumbbell front raises站姿哑铃前平举 Cable one-arm front laterals滑轮单手胸前侧平举 Cable cross bent laterals滑轮拉力器绳索交错俯身飞鸟 斜方肌trapz: Barbell /dumbbell shrug杠铃/哑铃耸肩 腹肌abs: Crunchs仰卧起坐 Lying...
五、曲臂下拉(Bent Over Row) 曲臂下拉是一种锻炼背部和臂部肌肉的杠铃训练动作。双手握住杠铃,身体微微前倾,背部挺直,将杠铃从地面上拉起,再放下。 六、划船(Barbell Row) 划船是一种锻炼背部和上臂肌肉的杠铃训练动作。双手握住杠铃,身体微微前倾,背部挺直,将杠铃拉到胸部附近,再放下。 七、杠铃弯举(Barbell ...
Game Plan.Provides information on several weight-training exercises for men that will help build muscle, burn fat and improve athletic performance. Dumbbell lunge with lateral raise; Bent-over row with back extension; Swiss-ball press with crunch.Mejia...
杠铃俯立划船:Barbell bent-over row t杠划船:T-bar rows 单手哑铃划船:One-arm dumbbell row 宽握胸前下拉:Wide grip pull down to the chest 窄握胸前下拉:Narrow grip pull down 坐姿拉力器划船:Seated cable row 胸前引体向上:Chin-ups...
俯坐侧平举:Seated bent-over lateral raises 俯立侧平举:Bent-over dumbbell lateral 杠铃耸肩:Barbell shrug 哑铃耸肩:Dumbbell shrug 拉力器耸肩:Cable shrug 杠铃腕弯举:Wrist curl with barbell 哑铃腕弯举:Wrist curl with dumbbell 背后腕弯举:Behind ...
assistedpull-up助力引体向上;barbellbent-overrow俯身杠铃划船;cableclose grippulldown滑轮颈前下拉;cableseatedhighrow坐姿滑轮高位划船;cable straightarmpull-down滑轮单臂下拉;chinup反手引体向上;kettlebells bent-over-row壶铃前倾划船;latpulldown坐姿滑轮下拉;machinelateral pull-down坐姿滑轮侧下拉;neutral-grippull...
俯立侧平举:Bent-overdumbbelllateral 杠铃耸肩:Barbellshrug 哑铃耸肩:Dumbbellshrug 拉力器耸肩:Cableshrug 杠铃腕弯举:Wristcurlwithbarbell 哑铃腕弯举:Wristcurlwithdumbbell 背后腕弯举:Behindbackwristcurl 杠铃和哑铃反推腕弯举:Reversewristcurlwithbarbellanddumbbell 杠铃反握弯举:Barbellreversecurl 小腿:Calf 架上举...