一旦服务器完全加载,您将看到"Server ready to accept connections"(服务器准备好接受连接)的消息。 服务器管理工具:为了更方便地管理和监控服务器,您可以使用一些第三方工具,如DayZ Server Control Panel、Zomberry Admin Tools和DayZSA Launcher。这些工具可以帮助您设置和修改服务器设置,并提供服务器状态监控和玩家管理...
Hello, I updated the server after todays small patch. Now I am unable to get the DZSALModServer.exe to properly send the required mods to the https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck I have the ports setup correctly. And have the launch line setup as wel
返回dayz韩爱东西http://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home dayz韩爱东西 2019-01-28 18:57 http://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home点赞4评论2评论2 37丶大大大大大大包子 顶一个 第1 楼2019-01-28回复0点赞0 囨清白 这个好玩 第2 楼2019-04-05回复0点赞0打开App...
On top of that it always has to re-download and update mods because it starts you on a new machine each time you log in, so if i have to log out because it has a hiccup, its redownloading everything which takes forever. Just for it to tell me the SALauncher is ...
Here are the steps on how to get the standalone launcher of the DayZ game. Step 1: Open the web browser app on your system. Step 2: In a new tab, copy-paste the below URL in the address bar and hit theEnterkey. https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home ...
An easy to use launcher for DayZ Standalone. DayZ SA Launcher • with unofficial mod support • DownloadSupport Portable Version
管理工具:可以考虑使用第三方管理工具如DayZSA Launcher、DayZ Control Center等,以方便管理和监控服务器运行情况。 3.可选配置: Mod支持:如果你希望在服务器上安装和运行额外的模组,需要确保服务器支持Mod,并按照相应的安装和启用步骤进行操作。 插件和脚本:可以选择安装一些插件和脚本来增强服务器的功能,如车辆刷新、...
future by clicking on the link, and check for updates or force update mods using the launcher. Also, you can not subscribe to the "doubtful 50 mods" of the next server and easily remove them with one action from the launcher, while maintaining all the mods for which you have a ...
IGNORE chinese.ini chinesesimp.ini czech.ini english.ini french.ini german.ini hungarian.ini italian.ini japanese.ini polish.ini portuguese.ini russian.ini spanish.ini Latest commit LieutenantMaster better wording Jun 8, 2023 1df7a4f·Jun 8, 2023 ...
You will want to make sure dayzsa launcher is installed on your server. Once it is you should be able to add your server to this website for it to show up. Simply change the last number on your port to an 8 when adding it. https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck Quote Join...