Hello, I updated the server after todays small patch. Now I am unable to get the DZSALModServer.exe to properly send the required mods to the https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck I have the ports setup correctly. And have the launch line setup as wel
返回dayz韩爱东西http://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home dayz韩爱东西 2019-01-28 18:57 http://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home点赞4评论2评论2 37丶大大大大大大包子 顶一个 第1 楼2019-01-28回复0点赞0 囨清白 这个好玩 第2 楼2019-04-05回复0点赞0打开App...
An easy to use launcher for DayZ Standalone. DayZ SA Launcher • with unofficial mod support • DownloadSupport Portable Version
Server: Wolves of Takistan Wolves of Takistan [US] |Expansion|1pp|No Vehicle Damage|Police-Pack|No Trader|DayZ Dog|Air-Raid| Server IP: wolvesofdayz.ddns.net:2502 (Dynamic IP please use this one if you don't use DayZSALauncher) Map: ExpansionTakistanPlus DayZ Expansion Server on the Taki...
DayZ Command Line Launcher dayz-ctl— this is an experimental launcher (server explorer and launcher)DayZonSteamProtonfor Linux. This document is available in languages:eng 🇬🇧,rus 🇷🇺,ua 🇺🇦 At the time of this project,Bohemia Interactivewas still unable to make a working launcher...
Ladys...let me explain what i try to do... My server is running with CFT + DZSA (thanks going out to @Sy8282 Now i wanna add and start a mod with the server (like other mods)...but the mod should be not visible in the DZSA Launcher... (mod only for me)
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You will want to make sure dayzsa launcher is installed on your server. Once it is you should be able to add your server to this website for it to show up. Simply change the last number on your port to an 8 when adding it. https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/servercheck Quote Join...