You will want to make sure dayzsa launcher is installed on your server. Once it is you should be able to add your server to this website for it to show up. Simply change the last number on your port to an 8 when adding it. Quote Join...
There needs to be a change with the SA launcher, im running geforce now on phone and i can't even access the damn thing in the first place. There needs to be something with steam that makes it automatically compatible, because there's multiple popular servers i can't ac...
Step 5: This immediately starts downloading the DayZSA launcher setup file. Step 6: Once it is done, you can go to theDownloadsfolder on the system anddouble-clickon the setup file. Step 7: Perform all the instructions for installing the standalone launcher app. Step 8: Once done, you ...
返回dayz韩爱东西 dayz韩爱东西 2019-01-28 18:57点赞4评论2评论2 37丶大大大大大大包子 顶一个 第1 楼2019-01-28回复0点赞0 囨清白 这个好玩 第2 楼2019-04-05回复0点赞0打开App...
An easy to use launcher for DayZ Standalone. DayZ SA Launcher • with unofficial mod support • DownloadSupport Portable Version
突击兵:拿m4 冲战场前 分享29赞 arma3吧 YeJKai 【实用工具】A3Launcher -模组挂载-A3Launcher启动器 常见的Ep Bp模组在里面都有,在里面还可以搜到游戏里面的服务器可以直接点击进入!使用方法如俗称Arma2斧头相似!不多说,好东西得 分享11赞 丧尸吧 粑粑哆 DayZ 生存体验。一只北方孤狼……哦不,孤兔的各种死...
Server: Wolves of Takistan Wolves of Takistan [US] |Expansion|1pp|No Vehicle Damage|Police-Pack|No Trader|DayZ Dog|Air-Raid| Server IP: (Dynamic IP please use this one if you don't use DayZSALauncher) Map: ExpansionTakistanPlus DayZ Expansion Server on the Taki...
Do you get any errors or anything? Are the mods loaded in DayZLauncher? Maybe post your bat and screenshot of server folders so we can see if there's any obvious issues? EditedFebruary 11, 2019by SmashT mrwolv Survivor Members 46 ...
Hello, I updated the server after todays small patch. Now I am unable to get the DZSALModServer.exe to properly send the required mods to the I have the ports setup correctly. And have the launch line setup as wel