Use measure as a filter in DAX 10-20-2023 06:24 AM Hi, I have a dax which should return a date. I want it to get filtered by a measure value. 68 in the dax needs to be replaced by a measure. The moment I put the measure there, it returns BLANK. And when it's hard...
如需使用 FILTER時的最佳做法,請參閱避免使用 FILTER 作為 filter 自變數。 在COUNTROWS 中使用 COUNT 而不是 DAX 在匯出數據行中使用 not 數據列層級安全性 (RLS) 規則時,支援此函式 or 用於 DirectQuery 模式。 例 下列範例會使用 measure 在美國銷售的 filters,建立美國以外的因特網銷售報告,and 然後依 ...
只有當 Salesmeasure 不是 BLANK (or 零)時,now 它才會傳回 value。DAX 複製 Profit Margin = DIVIDE([Profit], [Sales]) 在目前 filter 內容中,表格視覺效果 now 只顯示完成銷售的客戶。 改善的 measure 可為您的報表使用者提供更有效率的 and 實際體驗。提示 必要時,您可以啟用 [顯示沒有 數據的專案]...
Generally, it is fine to use FILTER() on lookup tables, but it’s somewhat riskier to use it on data tables, particularly if they are very large (with hundreds of millions of rows). Where to use FILTER() depends on your data, on the quality of your DAX formulas inside FILTER(), an...
Learn 登入 本主題的部分內容可能是機器或 AI 翻譯。 關閉警示 下載PDF 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 發行項 2024/12/22 本文內容 語法 傳回value 言論 Related 內容 適用於:導出數據行計算數據表Measure視覺計算 ...
总结一下Filter函数多个筛选条件的使用。 Staff表所有数据如下: 1. 使用多个FILTER实现嵌套筛选 第一层筛选的是Department为“开发”的人员,第二层筛选Province是“广东省”的人员: 2. 在FILTER中使用AND和OR实现多条件筛选 效果跟上面是一样的,但是AND函数参数只能为2个。同时满足两个条件的才会被筛选出来 ... ...
Thus, the result for CarGreen measure is empty, because there are no corresponding rows for the selection made. 第一个FILTER返回了基于当前筛选上下文的所有列,如以上的透视表所示,如果考虑位于B5的单元格,被透视表筛选限定为(Emily, Green, Bike),这对应于计算字段Count of Rows的单元格,值为1,即只有...
The measure is almost ok. The measure should filter the table based on the documents per week (not total documents on the selected period). If the number of control reports for one week is equal or above the number of control reports selected on the slicer then show the store an...
In my second example, where a measure was used on the right side of the comparison, the formula gets rewritten as: CALCULATE([Sightings per Year], FILTER(Observations, Observations[TTL Min]>[Avg Sighting Length in Mins] ) ) So there you go. When you want to use a measure, or an expr...
DAX CALCULATE - Using only Measure Expression with NO filter - How does it work? 04-09-2021 12:12 PM So I have been trying to learn/study Power BI and "thought" I had a good decent grasp on DAX and CALCULATE that is UNTIL I came across a sample question that tota...