Measure in Dax with different filters 01-26-2018 05:46 AM Hi Everyone, I am new to DAX so I've been struggling with this for a bit. In my report I use the measure below, and it does what I expect it to. UCN Count CY = CALCULATE( Trigger[UCN Count], FILTER(Trigger,Trigg...
下列measure 公式加總SalesAmount_USD and会使用 ALLEXCEPT 函數來移除 DateTime 數據表上的任何內容 filters,exceptiffilter 已套用至 CalendarYear 數據行。 DAX複製 =CALCULATE(SUM(ResellerSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]),ALLEXCEPT(DateTime, DateTime[CalendarYear])) ...
下面我们用FILTER写一个度量值,使用上节的FILTER公式 = FILTER(Customers, Customers[YearlyIncome] >= 80000),刚才提到过:表不能放在度量值中,所以要给这个公式套上个聚合函数,我们使用COUNTROWS, Total Customers with Income of $80,000 or above Measure = COUNTROWS(FILTER(Customers, Customers[YearlyIncome] >...
NumOfProductsSold :=CALCULATE ( [NumOfProducts], Sales ) NumOfProducts 很简单,而 NumOfProductsSold 需要额外的 DAX 知识,因为它基于表扩展。 因为表被用作 CALCULATE 中的过滤器参数,所以过滤器上下文包含 Sales 的扩展版本的所有列。 DEFINE MEASURE Sales[NumOfProducts]=DISTINCTCOUNT ( Product[Product Na...
用作first 参数的表达式实质上与 measure相同。 Filters 可以是: 布尔filter 表达式 表filter 表达式 Filter 修改函数 当有多个 filters时,可以使用 AND(&&)逻辑运算符来计算它们,这意味着 all 条件必须TRUE,or(OR)逻辑运算符||,这意味着任一条件都可以 true。
Doing so guarantees that the measure gets placed in the correct table, so you don’t lose it. Remember that you should always put a measure in the table where the data is stored. Therefore, the measures in these practice exercises belong in the Sales table. ...
避免使用 FILTER 作為 filter 自變數 欄位andmeasure 參考 DIVIDE 函式與 divide 運算符 (/) 使用SELECTEDVALUE,而不是使用 VALUES 使用COUNTROWS,而不是使用 COUNT 使用變數來改善公式 DAX 函數 DAX 函式參考 新的DAX 函式 彙總函數 Date and time 函式 ...
适用于:计算列计算表Measure视觉计算 修改在评估 filtersCALCULATEor 函数时如何应用 CALCULATETABLE。 语法 DAX复制 KEEPFILTERS(<expression>) 参数 术语定义 expression任何表达式。 返回value values表。 言论 在上下文 KEEPFILTERSCALCULATEand 函数中使用 CALCULATETABLE 来替代这些函数的标准行为。
A measure is a formula that is created specifically for use in a PivotTable (or PivotChart) that uses Power Pivot data. Measures can be based on standard aggregation functions, such as COUNT or SUM, or you can define your own formula by using DAX. A meas...
Filter context can also be applied in a DAX formula by defining a filter with functions such as ALL, RELATED, FILTER, CALCULATE, by relationships, and by other measures and columns. For example, let’s look at the following formula in a measure named Store Sales:...