因为表被用作 CALCULATE 中的过滤器参数,所以过滤器上下文包含 Sales 的扩展版本的所有列。 DEFINE MEASURE Sales[NumOfProducts]=DISTINCTCOUNT ( Product[Product Name] ) EVALUATE ROW ("NumOfProducts", [NumOfProducts],"NumOfProductsSold", CALCULATE ( [NumOfProducts], Sales ) ) 执行的结果是: NumOfP...
Measure = CALCULATE ( [Total Sales], FILTER ( Sales, Sales[Contract Date] >= CALCULATE ( MAX ( Sales[Contract Date] ), ALLEXCEPT ( Sales, Sales[Customer] ) ) && Sales[Contract Date] <= DATE ( 2021, 12, 31 ) ) ) Did I answer your question? Mark my post as a solution! Proud...
CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( DimDate ), FILTER ( ALL ( FactSales ), TRUE ) ) 返回结果:1996。思考为什么?答案是:对ALL的作用之二:表函数的理解。 再看一个令人头疼的例子: DEFINE MEASURE Sales[Average Sales Amount] = AVERAGEX ( Sales, 'Sales'[Quantity] * 'Sales'[Net Price] ) EVALUATE ADDCOLUMNS...
Sales for Profitable Months = CALCULATE( [Sales], FILTER( VALUES('Date'[Month]), [Profit] > 0 ) ) 在此範例中,必須使用 FILTER 函式。 這是因為它需要評估 利潤 指標,以消除那些未獲得利潤的月份。 當用作篩選參數時,無法在布爾運算式中使用量值。建議...
In fact, if we use the following calculated measure: 如果不希望丢失透视表已经存在的筛选,换句话说,不希望丢失Calculate上下文中已有的筛选器,仍然可以使用FILTER表达式,并使用VALUES( Demo[Color] )子句替换ALL( Demo[Color] )子句,这样就能保持对Demo[Color]列已有的筛选,如下所示: ...
DEFINE MEASURE 'Pick a sales measure'[Orders] = DISTINCTCOUNT('Sales Order'[Sales Order]) MEASURE 'Pick a sales measure'[Customers] = CALCULATE( COUNTROWS(Customer), FILTER( 'Sales', [Orders] > 0 ) ) MEASURE 'Pick a sales measure'[Orders per Customer] = DIVIDE( [Orders], [Customers]...
though they come up with the same outcome. Aprreciated if you have any ideas on them. ID Cost A 0 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 0 Measure = Countrows(Filter(Table, Cost = 0)) Measure2 = Calculate(Countrows(Table), Cost = 0) Measure3 = Calculate(Countrows(Table), Filter(Table, Cost = 0))...
Total Customers with Income of $80,000 or above Measure = COUNTROWS(FILTER(Customers, Customers[YearlyIncome] >= 80000)) 返回的结果完全相同。第一个使用 CALCULATE写的度量值公式中使用了简单筛选(布尔表达式筛选),简单筛选就是使用判断表达式进行的筛选,CALCULATE函数设计之初是接受这种写法的,实际上这是CALCUL...
The CALCULATE function evaluates the sum of theSalestableSales Amountcolumn in a modified filter context. A new filter is added to theProducttableColorcolumn—or, the filter overwrites any filter that's already applied to the column. The followingSalestable measure definition produces a ratio of ...
The CALCULATE function used without filters achieves a specific requirement. It transitions row context to filter context. It's required when an expression (not a model measure) that summarizes model data needs to be evaluated in row context. This scenario can happen in a calculated column formula...