在OBS软件界面点击:工具->脚本 出现如下界面: 点击左下角 “+” ,弹出添加脚本框,选择 “date-and-time.lua”,点击 “打开” 此时,文件名经出现在了已载入脚本的对话框内,如下图。 点击文件date-and-time.lua,选择 你的文本源(这里选择你OBS的自己命名的来源) ,点击关闭即可。
Scripts Resource icon OBS LuaDate and Time1.0 Download AuthorRagowit Creation dateMar 7, 2018 Sets a text source to act as a date/time text when the source is active. Uses the os.date() function, so read upon what it supports here:https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html ...
I found a little analog clock in the script section within OBS itself. Added it. Now it is a source Lua Clock. ok fine, I would very much like a simple real time/updating date and time stamp in digits instead. Why is this so hard for folk who know how to code to do? I mean ...
如果是在里约热内卢(格林威治向西三个时区)的一台Unix计算机上(相对时间为1970年1月1日,00:00:00)执行如下代码,其结果将如下。 -- obs: 10800 = 3*60*60 (3 hours) print(os.time{year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=0}) --> 10800 print(os.time{year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=0, sec=...
-- obs: 10800 = 3*60*60 (3 hours) print(os.time{year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=0}) --> 10800 print(os.time{year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=0, sec=1}) --> 10801 print(os.time{year=1970, month=1, day=1})
if seconds < 10 and trim then seconds = "0"..seconds local future = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minute, sec=second} local seconds = os.difftime(future, now) if (seconds < 0) then seconds = 0 end mili = math.floor( ( time - math.floor( time/360...
DateAndTime.vb Returns a string value containing the name of the specified weekday. C#Kopier publicstaticstringWeekdayName(intWeekday,boolAbbreviate =false, Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeekValue = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek.System); ...
Paper p58-25 A Beginners Guide to SAS Date and Time Handling Wayne Finley, State of California HHSDC, Sacramento, CA Abstract The SAS system provides a plethora of methods to handle date and time values. Correct date computation became a very important subject when the world became aware...
Paper 2460-2015 Demystifying Date and Time Intervals Derek Morgan, St. Louis, MO ABSTRACT Intervals have been a feature of base SAS® for a long time, allowing SAS users to work with commonly (and not-so- commonly) defined periods of time such as years, months, and quarters. With the...
zone = (( "+" / "-" ) 4DIGIT) / obs-zone The day is the numeric day of the month. The year is any numeric year in the common era. The time-of-day specifies the number of hours, minutes, and optionally seconds since midnight of the date indicated. ...